Successful application for the Enhancement Theme Funding

20 December 2022

Led by art-history student Helen Wordsworth, Dr Natalia Sassu Suarez Ferri and Dr Lenia Kouneni, an art exhibition ‘We Are Resilient Together’ will consider the issue of resilience through the production and exploration of student art. Resilience is a shared quality of all artists, independent of time or culture, political landscape, or personal experience. The exhibition aims to support and showcase the learning processes of student artists, oscillating between the early creativity of initial ideas and preliminary sketches, to the closure felt within a fully realised, final piece. Student artists will be encouraged to personally reflect on the theme of resilience through their participation in shared workshops. The final display will provide a way for the participants to connect to the community in more than just words.

What are the Enhancement Themes?

The Enhancement Themes, run by the QAA, are a programme involving the whole higher education sector in Scotland and aim to improve the student learning experience. The current theme (2020-2023) is ‘Resilient Learning Communities’, and focuses on identifying and meeting the emerging values and needs of an increasingly diverse student community, and a rapidly changing external environment.