Former Seminars
Scientific program of the

Seventh Annual Meeting of the St. Andrews
Centre of Magnetic Resonance
Sponsored by

Thursday 8 June 2017, School of Chemistry, St Andrews

9:00 Welcome

9:10 Marina Bennati (MPI Göttingen): From EPR to DNP: polarization of spins for sensitivity enhancement in magnetic resonance

9:50 Conny Yu: Protein characterization using a combined approach of NMR and EPR

10:20 Tomas Lebl: Fractionation and DOSY-NMR as a tool for lignin analysis

10:50 Coffee

11:20 John Griffin (University of Lancaster): New Methods in Solid-State NMR for the study of Functional Materials

11:50 David Keeble (Dundee): EPR of acceptor doped ferroic perovskite oxides

12:20 Giulia Bignami Exploiting Isotopic Enrichment to Understand Microporous Solids

12:50 Lunch

13:50 Patrick Fowler (University of Sheffield): Modelling ring currents in aromatics

14:30 Sonia Chabbra: Monitoring ethylene tetramerization catalysis using in-situ EPR spectroscopy

15:00 Michael Bühl: Modelling paramagnetic NMR chemical shifts of phenolic oxime copper complexes

15:30 Coffee

16:00 Claire Motion: Improving sensitivity using composite pulses at 94 GHz

16:30 Marcel Utz (Univerity of Southampton): Integration of NMR with Microfluidic Devices for the Study of Live Systems

17:10 Poster session and wine reception (Common Room) List of Posters

University of St Andrews/ Schools of Biology/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Centre for Biomolecular Science
Last modified 6 June 17 /mb