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  1. Dignity & Respect at Work: FAQs

    Frequently asked questions for employee and line manager.…

  2. List of unacceptable conduct examples

    List of examples that the University deems as unacceptable conduct.…

  3. Hybrid working interim guide

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    Provides a framework for the introduction of hybrid working as Covid restrictions are lifted and staff are able to return to working from University premises.…

  4. Policy on the use of fixed term and standard contracts

    Outlines the appropriate use of fixed term contracts and expectations of employees employed on these contracts.…

  5. Flexiquette guidance

    Guidance developed following feedback provided in our All-staff survey on working in the context of Covid.…

  6. Gender-based violence (including Sexual Misconduct)

    This policy sets out the procedure for raising and responding to disclosures of GBV and sexual misconduct.…

  7. Dignity and respect at work

    This policy sets out the procedure for raising, addressing and resolving concerns about individual or organisational behaviour in regard to bullying, harassment, discrimination or victimisation.…

  8. Length of study and associated fees for postgraduate research students

    This policy lays out the study periods for all postgraduate research degrees, including periods of continuation and extension. It includes the process for requesting an extension.…

  9. Redundancy policy

    This document outlines the approach to be adopted in cases of potential redundancy situations.…

  10. Personal relationships at work

    Provides guidance on managing personal relationships between members of the University community and University students…

  11. Use of plagiarism detection software

    This policy relates to the University's use of plagiarism detection software, the limitations of the software and the key issues for both Schools and students.…

  12. Extenuating circumstances

    This policy provides a clear definition of what the University considers to be extenuating circumstances and the sources of evidence required to substantiate claims affecting academic performance and engagement.…

  13. Staff death protocol

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    This guidance outlines the actions to be taken when an employee dies in service.…

  14. Work placements

    This policy relates to work placements and includes the definition and scope, principles, learning outcomes, roles and responsibilities, assessment and recognition, quality assurance, risk management, work placement agreements and UKVI compliance.…

  15. Discounted time for postgraduate research students

    This policy details when a student may request discounted time, the process for submitting a request and the evidence required.…

  16. Coursework penalties

    This policy applies to penalties incurred for late coursework and to coursework of incorrect length.…

  17. Assessment: marking and standard setting

    This policy relates to the formal processes involved in assessment and serves to amplify and clarify details of the procedures surrounding marking.…

  18. Academic flexibility for students with recognised sporting talent

    This policy outlines ways in which an element of flexibility can be given to those students in receipt of sporting scholarships, referred to in this policy, to allow them to compete at the highest level in their sport.…

  19. Support to study

    This policy relates to serious concerns about a student’s health or behaviour which is impacting the student and/or others and which may indicate they require support to study.…

  20. Car parking regulations

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    University car parking regulations…

  21. FAQs for the reviewee

    Frequently asked questions regarding the ARDS for the reviewee.…

  22. External Examining (UG & PGT)

    This policy outlines processes and procedures relating to the role of External Examiners for taught programmes. Guidance on external examining for Postgraduate Research students is available via the Assessment of Postgraduate Research students…

  23. St Andrews LLM guide

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    This document presents guidance about Generative AI technologies in learning and teaching. It explains how large language models work, and provides a framework for good assessment design.…

  24. Mental health

    The University Mental Health Strategy is to promote positive mental health and wellbeing and to support each other in the creation of a healthy, well informed and compassionate working environment in which students and staff can fulfil their…

  25. Induction guidance for External Examiners

    Induction guidance for external examiners…

  26. Guidance for Heads on the training of External Examiners

    Guidance for Heads on the training of External Examiners…

  27. Independent learning week (ILW)

    This policy relates to the principles of Independent Learning Week (ILA), activities permitted during ILA and communications with students during ILA.…

  28. Recognition of prior learning and Advanced Standing Credits

    This policy relates to recognition of prior learning (RPL) which has taken place elsewhere.…

  29. Extension guidance – FAQ

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  30. Leave of Absence, Re-engagement and Withdrawal

    This policy outlines and addresses the conditions and processes through which students can take Leave of Absence, re-engage with their studies following a period of temporary absence, or to cease attending the University through a process of…

  31. Saints Sport child wellbeing and protection

    Provides information regarding the University’s obligation to protect children who are at risk of harm, abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination or being drawn into radicalisation, with respect to the University Nursery and Saints Sport.…

  32. Guidance on the use of external supervisors for postgraduate research students

    This document provides guidance on the use and appointment of external supervisors for postgraduate research students.…

  33. Interdisciplinary PGR checklist

    This document sets out a list of issues to consider in arranging an interdisciplinary PGR project…

  34. Anti-Money Laundering

    To set out the procedure to be followed if money laundering is suspected and defines the responsibility of individual employees in the process.…

  35. Consultancy Policy

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    The policy seeks to define what should be considered as consultancy and encourage this activity within a supported environment and with relevant agreements.…

  36. Higher degrees

    This policy describes the criteria, eligibility, application process and appeal procedure for awarding Higher Degrees, including DLitt, DSc and MD by Portfolio.…

  37. Higher degree senate regulations

    Senate Regulations governing higher doctorates.…

  38. Research Misconduct Policy

    To provide a definition of research misconduct and the principles guiding the handling and investigation of allegations of research misconduct relating to research conducted under the auspices of the University.…

  39. Research Misconduct Policy Annexe

    To provide a procedural framework for investigating allegations of research misconduct relating to research conducted under the auspices of the University.…

  40. Principles of Good Research Conduct

    To define the expectations regarding good research conduct that the University places on individuals conducting research under its auspices, in the form of a set of overarching principles.…

  41. Supplier remote access requirements

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    Managing secure access to internal systems by third parties…

  42. Academic review and development

    Outlines the procedure to manage the annual performance and development review for academic employees.…

  43. Maintaining the security of credit & debit card data - policy

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    Policy to cover PCI-DSS compliance (credit / debit cards)…

  44. Procurement financial operating procedure

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    This procedure provides guidance to university staff ordering goods, services and works on behalf of the University, and will ensure that Staff operate within Financial Regulations.…

  45. Academic alerts

    This policy concerns all matters relating to Academic Alerts including types and status, attendance monitoring and procedures for issuing and managing academic alerts.…

  46. Use of captured content

    This policy relates to recording of lectures.…

  47. Assessment policies and procedures

    This policy relates to the process of assessment and role of external examiners, assessment irregularities, deferred assessment, S Coding and the procedure for students requesting academic adjustments due to exceptional circumstances.…

  48. Caring fund

    Offers information and guidance on how to apply for financial assistance to cover childcare or other caring expenses associated with attending pre-approved work-related events.…

  49. Parental Leave

    This policy sets out the circumstances where employees who have parental responsibilities may take unpaid time off work to look after their children who are under 18.…

  50. Code of practice for the employment and management of research staff

    This guidance sets out the expectations for the employment and management of research staff at the University.…