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493 results found for !nullquery
  1. Salary sacrifice

    Guidance on Salary Sacrifice for employees in the USS and S&LAS Pension Schemes.…

  2. Financial Regulations

    Outline the Financial Control Framework in place at the University…

  3. Procurement financial operating procedure

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    This procedure provides guidance to university staff ordering goods, services and works on behalf of the University, and will ensure that Staff operate within Financial Regulations.…

  4. Gender-based violence (including Sexual Misconduct)

    This policy sets out the procedure for raising and responding to disclosures of GBV and sexual misconduct.…

  5. Open access publications policy

    Detailing the University’s approach to open access to ensure the widest possible access to its research publications.…

  6. Appointment overview and terms & conditions

    Appointments offered by the Careers Centre, when they are available and how to book; expectations for students, graduates or staff members, including what they will be provided with at the appointment and how they should act before, during and after…

  7. CCTV policy

    This policy details the purpose, use and management of the CCTV system at the university and details the procedures to be followed in order to ensure that the university complies with relevant legislation and the current Information Commissioner’s…

  8. Travel policy

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    Applicable to all University staff engaged in the booking of travel for business purposes including flights/rail/car hire/coach hire/bus/taxi/ferry/airport transfers/airport parking/accommodation/travel/visas/tours (UK/WW), and personal travel…

  9. Scheme of delegation

    List of authorities delegated by Court…

  10. Occupational health

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    policy statement regarding the funciton of occupational health…

  11. Saints Sport health and safety

    Information and compliance…

  12. Honour Code

    The Honour Code is a statement that establishes the standards, behaviour and academic integrity expected of all matriculated students who form part of the academic community at the University of St Andrews. All students must agree to abide by and…

  13. Leaving the university

    This document provides employees with guidance on leaving the University.…

  14. Redeployment policy

    This document outlines the circumstances in which redeployment for employees within the University will be considered.…

  15. Fee setting

    To outline the procedure for setting tuition fees…

  16. Consultancy Policy

    The policy seeks to define what should be considered as consultancy and encourage this activity within a supported environment and with relevant agreements.…

  17. Travel and fieldwork policy

    Establishes a travel and fieldwork risk assessment process that applies to staff and students representing the University who engage in travel and/or fieldwork.…

  18. Capital projects

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    To provide guidance in the management of Capital investment Projects, those with an investment value of over £0.25m. This document only applies to investments that alter or adapt the University's build environment, not process or system change.…

  19. Supervision of postgraduate research students

    Lays out the roles and expectations for students and staff for the supervision of postgraduate research students.…

  20. Junior Saints terms and conditions

    Junior Saints classes, camps, and services.…

  21. Statement pursuant to the modern slavery act 2015

    The UofSA is committed to fulfilling its requirements for goods, services and works for the institution without causing harm to others and supporting the UK Government's approach to implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.…

  22. RBS health and safety policy

    RBS Health and Safety Policy and Management Arrangements…

  23. Inventory Management Policy

    To set out the University’s policy and approach to effective management of inventory stock within schools and units…

  24. Guidance for the use of Flexible Worker Assignments (Contract for Services)

    Provide information about the use of Flexible Worker Assignments.…

  25. Use of captured content

    This policy relates to recording of lectures.…

  26. Annual leave policy

    Provides guidance on the annual and statutory leave process and information on closure days.…

  27. Redundancy policy

    This document outlines the approach to be adopted in cases of potential redundancy situations.…

  28. HR policy approval

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    Sets out the procedure to be followed when reviewing HR-related documentation including, polices, procedures and guidance notes.…

  29. Process for transition from fellowship

    This document confirms the process from Fellowship to a standard appointment (usually as Lecturer or Reader).…

  30. Administering Medication (Junior Saints)

    Management of medication at Junior Saints Classes and Camps…

  31. Hybrid working interim guide

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    Provides a framework for the introduction of hybrid working as Covid restrictions are lifted and staff are able to return to working from University premises.…

  32. Agency workers

    Provides guidance on agency worker rights.…

  33. Junior Saints late collection policy

    Ensure safeguarding process of late collection are followed correctly.…

  34. Recent graduate discount

    To define the policy on recent graduate discount…

  35. Library regulations

    Regulations for using the University of St Andrews Library.…

  36. Fairtrade policy

    University of St Andrews is committed to sustainable purchasing and to supporting Fairtrade…

  37. Trans Staff and Students

    This policy provides guidance on supporting Trans staff and students.…

  38. Personal relationships at work

    Provides guidance on managing personal relationships between members of the University community and University students…

  39. Staff death protocol

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    This guidance outlines the actions to be taken when an employee dies in service.…

  40. Copyright overview

    This guide helps you to understand copyright and its relevance to your work and study at the University of St Andrews.…

  41. Flexible working

    Sets out how employees can request a change to their working arrangements…

  42. Dignity & Respect at Work: FAQs

    Frequently asked questions for employee and line manager.…

  43. Admissions policy

    A policy document that informs prospective students and their influencers how the University will review their application, what is required and policy procedure guidance on what to do in certain instances related to applying to study at the…

  44. Fee status policy

    To define University policy on fee status assessment…

  45. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

    Committed to respect and fair treatment for everyone, eliminating discrimination and actively promoting equality of opportunity and delivering fairness to all.…

  46. Severance policy

    To set out the University’s policy on the payment of compensation to staff on the termination of their employment (other than the ending of a fixed term contract/ redundancy/Voluntary Severance Early Retirement (VSER) situation).…

  47. Assessment policies and procedures

    This policy relates to the process of assessment and role of external examiners, assessment irregularities, deferred assessment, S Coding and the procedure for students requesting academic adjustments due to exceptional circumstances.…

  48. Research Misconduct Policy

    To provide a definition of research misconduct and the principles guiding the handling and investigation of allegations of research misconduct relating to research conducted under the auspices of the University.…

  49. Failure to matriculate

    The policy explains the process and implications of failure to matriculate…

  50. Immigration Reimbursement Policy

    This policy sets out the University’s approach to the reimbursement of immigration costs.…