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235 results found for !nullquery
  1. Guidance for the use of Flexible Worker Assignments (Contract for Services)

    Provide information about the use of Flexible Worker Assignments.…

  2. Honour Code

    The Honour Code is a statement that establishes the standards, behaviour and academic integrity expected of all matriculated students who form part of the academic community at the University of St Andrews. All students must agree to abide by and…

  3. Annual Academic Monitoring handbook

    This handbook provides guidance on the academic monitoring process, including the AAM report, dialogues and the dissemination event.…

  4. Financial Regulations

    Outline the Financial Control Framework in place at the University…

  5. Staff fees policy

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    To define university policy on staff fees…

  6. Occupational health

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    policy statement regarding the funciton of occupational health…

  7. Agency workers

    Provides guidance on agency worker rights.…

  8. Apprentice, trainee & intern guidance

    These guidelines aim to set out a consistent approach to how the University recruits, engages with, supports and develops its apprentices, trainees and interns.…

  9. Salary sacrifice

    Guidance on Salary Sacrifice for employees in the USS and S&LAS Pension Schemes.…

  10. Stress policy

    Outlines the approach to the prevention and management of occupational stress throughout the University.…

  11. Admissions policy

    This policy describes the criteria and policy approach to reviewing an application for admission to the University of St Andrews.…

  12. HR policy approval

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    Sets out the procedure to be followed when reviewing HR-related documentation including, polices, procedures and guidance notes.…

  13. Tuition fee liability policy

    To define university policy on tuition fee liability…

  14. Discipline flowchart

    To be referred to in cases where there are possible issues of misconduct.…

  15. Home workspace equipment policy

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    This policy covers the provision of equipment to enable employees to work effectively from their home residence, either as part of a hybrid working arrangement, or during periods of enforced home working.…

  16. Flexiquette guidance

    Guidance developed following feedback provided in our All-staff survey on working in the context of Covid.…

  17. Grading review

    Provides guidance on requesting a re-grading of a role due to a substantive change in role requirements.…

  18. Disciplinary

    To be referred to in cases where there are possible issues of misconduct.…

  19. Overtime policy

    Provide guidance to managers and employees on the operation of overtime.…

  20. Guidance for Investigation Managers

    Guidance for Investigation Managers to…

  21. Staff death protocol

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    This guidance outlines the actions to be taken when an employee dies in service.…

  22. Investigation: Meeting Format

    Guidance for Investigation Managers to outline the recommended meeting format.…

  23. Career break

    This policy has been developed to enable employees to request an extended period of unpaid time away from work in order to balance their career with other commitments, responsibilities and interests. …

  24. Copyright for teaching

    This document helps you understand how to use copyright material legally in your teaching.…

  25. Inventory Management Policy

    To set out the University’s policy and approach to effective management of inventory stock within schools and units…

  26. Travel Plan

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    To inform staff of the University’s travel plan…

  27. Grievance policy

    This policy sets out the framework for raising, addressing and resolving concerns in the workplace.…

  28. Gender-based violence (including Sexual Misconduct)

    This policy sets out the procedure for raising and responding to disclosures of GBV and sexual misconduct.…

  29. Starting salary policy

    Provides guidance on the new joiner salary process.…

  30. Disciplinary Hearing Panel: Guidance

    Guidance for the disciplinary panel to conduct the disciplinary process from preparation through to conclusion.…

  31. Flexible working

    Sets out how employees can request a change to their working arrangements…

  32. Special leave

    The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to employees when requesting time off for absences outlined in this policy.…

  33. Capital projects

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    To provide guidance in the management of Capital investment Projects, those with an investment value of over £0.25m. This document only applies to investments that alter or adapt the University's build environment, not process or system change.…

  34. Admissions-policy

    The Admissions policy is a governance document that covers all relevant aspects of the application process to allow all applicants from all cohorts to clearly understand the parameters within which they are applying ensuring fairness…

  35. Capability (poor performance): FAQs

    Frequently asked questions for the employee and line manager.…

  36. Methods of ordering goods and services

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    This document is designed to advise staff on the appropriate methods to be used when purchasing goods and services.…

  37. Dignity & Respect at Work: FAQs

    Frequently asked questions for employee and line manager.…

  38. Student Conduct Risk Management Policy

    To review concerns regarding student conduct, assessing risk and taking any necessary precautionary action for the protection of the University community…

  39. Anti-Money Laundering

    To set out the procedure to be followed if money laundering is suspected and defines the responsibility of individual employees in the process.…

  40. List of unacceptable conduct examples

    List of examples that the University deems as unacceptable conduct.…

  41. Consultancy Policy

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    The policy seeks to define what should be considered as consultancy and encourage this activity within a supported environment and with relevant agreements.…

  42. Immigration Reimbursement Policy

    This policy sets out the University’s approach to the reimbursement of immigration costs.…

  43. Student Conduct Policy

    This Policy deals with judgements against students in relation to non-academic misconduct and disciplinary matters…

  44. Copyright for students

    When studying at the University of St Andrews you'll be using and creating works protected by copyright. This page gives you the general information you need to help you in your studies and future career.…

  45. Market supplement policy

    To address discrepancy between evaluated grade and market pay rates when there is a retention or recruitment issue.…

  46. Appointment overview and terms & conditions

    Appointments offered by the Careers Centre, when they are available and how to book; expectations for students, graduates or staff members, including what they will be provided with at the appointment and how they should act before, during and after…

  47. Leaving the university

    This document provides employees with guidance on leaving the University.…

  48. Budget Management

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    To give guidance to Budget Holders on the best practice for budget management…

  49. Charitable Donations

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    Guidance to University staff regarding the identification, classification and treatment of charitable donations…

  50. Sickness absence policy

    Outlines the procedure for the management of sickness absence within the University.…