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234 results found for !nullquery
  1. Student Conduct Risk Management Policy

    To review concerns regarding student conduct, assessing risk and taking any necessary precautionary action.…

  2. University cyber incident and data breach management procedure

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    Protocol for managing suspected cyber/personal data breach…

  3. Control of legionella risk – technical guidance

    This document supports the Control of Legionella Policy document, expanding the management and operational arrangements sections with more comprehensive details of the standards to be achieved.…

  4. Student harassment and bullying policy

    The purpose of the policy is to encourage a culture where harassment and bullying will not be tolerated and to outline the steps that can be taken to deal with any issues of harassment and bullying and prevent their recurrence.…

  5. Academic adjustments for disabled students Guidance for staff

    This guidance provides clarification for School staff on the various reasonable adjustments that may be specified in disabled students' support plans. The guidance also provides case study examples on a case-by-case basis.…

  6. Probation flowchart

    Probation process in the form of a diagram. EDI confirmed EIA not required.…

  7. Postgraduate change of registration

    This policy outlines the criteria for re-registering to a different postgraduate degree.…

  8. Redeployment policy

    This document outlines the circumstances in which redeployment for employees within the University will be considered.…

  9. Admissions policy

    The Admissions Policy explains the policy parameters for prospective applicants to submit an application, detailing how it is reviewed and decisions they can expect.…

  10. Postgraduate research discount for former students

    To define the policy on discount for research students…

  11. Failure to matriculate

    The policy explains the process and implications of failure to matriculate…

  12. Digital preservation policy

    To provide a statement of the University’s ongoing commitment and approach to preserving its digital content selected for permanent retention, so that materials remain accessible and usable to relevant wide audiences in perpetuity.…

  13. Handbook: Agreement renewal review for collaborative programmes

    Guideline for Schools/department on Agreement renewal review for collaborative programmes…

  14. Employment Verification

    Information for individuals requesting an employer verification letter.…

  15. Saints Sport accommodation

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    This document outlines the policy and procedure relating to accommodation subsidies for individual athletes and sports representing the University.…

  16. Support to study

    This policy relates to serious concerns about a student’s health or behaviour which is impacting the student and/or others and which may indicate they require support to study.…

  17. Capability policy – poor performance

    This policy sets out the procedure for addressing concerns around poor performance and persistent short-term absence.…

  18. Learning and access policy

    Museums policy to set out aims for making Museums of the University of St Andrews’ activities and collections accessible to all, working to understand our audiences and remove barriers to make participation as easy and enjoyable as possible.…

  19. Criminal finance act

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    The CFA policy deals with the implementation of adequate or reasonable procedures to prevent facilitation of tax evasion.…

  20. Capability policy: For long-term absence

    This policy may be used where an employee has been absent from work on a long-term, but not necessarily continuous basis due to ill health.…

  21. Ill-health retirement (for members of S&LAS)

    Guidance for employees who are members of the S&LAS pension scheme who want to apply for early retirement as a result of ill-health.…

  22. Conditions of employment by grade

    Summary of employee conditions.…

  23. Personal relationships at work

    Provides guidance on managing personal relationships between members of the University community and University students…

  24. Treasury management

    This FOP outlines the University's policy and procedure for treasury management, including risk management, cash flow and money laundering.…

  25. Hybrid working interim guide

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    Provides a framework for the introduction of hybrid working as Covid restrictions are lifted and staff are able to return to working from University premises.…

  26. Sustainability Investments Policy

    To set out the investment strategy for, and the use of endowment funds which have been permanently endowed to the University for both specific and general purposes.…

  27. Terms and Conditions of Study, August 2024

    Policy sets out the terms and conditions for all students in the university.…

  28. Declaration of Interests

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    Providing expectations and processes for individuals to reflect on their interests, and identify, declare and mitigate any potential conflicts of interest if and when they arise: to avoid compromising - or the perception of compromising –…

  29. Staff disability policy

    The policy also outlines various support, services and facilities available to employees with disabilities at the University.…

  30. Estates health and Safety Policy

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    This policy document sets out the estates department's health and safety policy statement, and the organisational and managerial arrangements necessary to deliver it…

  31. Location of studies

    This policy relates to the expectation that all students reside at a term address within a commutable distance. The policy excludes Distance Learning students.…

  32. Further particulars of offers

    Provide statements of clarification on the St Andrews approach to providing degree and module information; curriculum review, teaching and learning; and fee setting.…

  33. Admissions policy 2016-2017

    This policy is used to help applicants and offer holders know how the University will approach the reviewing process of their application.…

  34. Admissions policy 2017-2018

    This policy is used to help applicnats and offer holders know how the University will approach the reviewing process of their application.…

  35. Admissions policy 2018-19

    This policy is used to help applicants and offer holders know how the University will approach the reviewing process of their application.…

  36. Terms and Conditions of Study, August 2023

    Policy sets out the terms and conditions for all students in the university.…

  37. Removal and relocation policy

    Provides information on the University’s relocation package for eligible employees.…

  38. Scheme of delegation

    List of authorities delegated by Court…

  39. Severance policy

    To set out the University’s policy on the payment of compensation to staff on the termination of their employment (other than the ending of a fixed term contract/ redundancy/Voluntary Severance Early Retirement (VSER) situation).…

  40. Saints Sport First Aid Policy

    Information and Compliance…

  41. Annual leave policy

    Provides guidance on the annual and statutory leave process and information on closure days.…

  42. Visa and immigration FAQ’s: For line managers

    Provides information on visa regulations.…

  43. Adverse weather

    To provide guidance to staff in the event of a difficulty in attending work due to adverse/severe weather conditions.…

  44. Employee visa and immigration FAQ’s

    Provides information on visa regulations.…

  45. USS flexibilities

    Guidance regarding changes to USS…

  46. Retirement policy (fixed retirement age)

    This policy sets out the basis for the University’s decision to have a fixed retirement age for all employees.…

  47. Menopause

    Raise awareness of menopause symptoms and provide a framework for requesting support in the workplace.…

  48. Guidance for the use of Flexible Worker Assignments (Contract for Services)

    Provide information about the use of Flexible Worker Assignments.…

  49. Honour Code

    The Honour Code is a statement that establishes the standards, behaviour and academic integrity expected of all matriculated students who form part of the academic community at the University of St Andrews. All students must agree to abide by and…

  50. Annual Academic Monitoring handbook

    This handbook provides guidance on the academic monitoring process, including the AAM report, dialogues and the dissemination event.…