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139 results found for !nullquery
  1. Museums strategic plan

    To provide the strategic plan for university museums…

  2. New and expectant mothers guidance

    Guidance on the precautions for new and expectant mothers…

  3. Noise at work

    Policy and guidance on measurement of noise levels and how to control noise levels in the workplace…

  4. PDF standards - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    PDF standards. Overview. PDF stands for Portable Document Format and is a common internet file format. It's used for electronic distribution because it keeps the look and feel of the original document, including the fonts, colours, images, and layout…

  5. Physical security policy

    Password protected

    This Policy will outline the approach of the University to ensure, as far as is reasonably practical, the personal safety and security of all students, staff, visitors and contributors across the University estate and University assets.…

  6. Policy and guidance on the safe storage and handling of cryogenic materials

    Password protected

    Provide guidance on the safe use and storage of cryogenic materials. It also provides guidance on the controls needed for the use of such materials…

  7. Policy and guidance on work with lasers and high powered artificial optical radiation

    Password protected

    To ensure compliance with the ‘Control of of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010…

  8. Policy on dealing with abusive, persistent or vexatious complaints and complainants

    To ensure that access to the Complaints Handling Procedure is reasonably available, and that the University’s ability to provide services is not unduly degraded, through unacceptable behaviour and/or vexatious use.…

  9. Postgraduate senate regulations 2020-21

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  10. Postgraduate senate regulations 2021-22

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  11. Postgraduate senate regulations 2022-23

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  12. Principles for the use of indicators in research assessment and management

    Provide a set of principles for how to use quantitative and qualitative indicators responsibly when assessing and managing research.…

  13. Progress review guidance

    To provide additional guidance on the structure of progress reviews and the responsibilities of everyone involved.…

  14. Pronoun guidance

    To provide guidance to staff and students about using pronouns…

  15. Public interest disclosure (whistle blowing)

    A code which provides for the investigation of possible malpractices…

  16. RBS health and safety policy

    RBS Health and Safety Policy and Management Arrangements…

  17. Recent graduate discount

    To define the policy on recent graduate discount…

  18. Regulation of curriculum changes to comply with Consumer Protection Legislation (CPL) Guidance

    This guidance outlines dates and processes in relation to timely communications of curricular changes to current students and applications to ensure that the University comply with Consumer Protection Legislation (2014).…

  19. Regulations governing the use of University information and communications technology (ICT) facilities

    To communicate the conditions of access to ICT facilities provided by or through the University, and to establish what is/is not acceptable use of those facilities.…

  20. Resolution policy

    To assist those in conflict or disagreement to seek resolution using informal means.…