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220 results found for !nullquery
  1. Use of generative AI - LLM

    To communicate the risks as presently understood to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of University information and personal data in the use of publicly available GenAI tools…

  2. Honour Code

    The Honour Code is a statement that establishes the standards, behaviour and academic integrity expected of all matriculated students who form part of the academic community at the University of St Andrews. All students must agree to abide by and…

  3. Car-parking-regulations

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    University car parking regulations…

  4. Terms and Conditions of Study, August 2023

    Policy sets out the terms and conditions for all students in the university.…

  5. Resolution policy

    To assist those in conflict or disagreement to seek resolution using informal means.…

  6. Good academic practice

    This policy concerns all matters relating to Good Academic Practice including high principles, processes, sanctions, record keeping and anonymity and appeals.…

  7. Good academic practice: Guidance for students and frequently asked questions

    Guidance and FAQs concerning academic misconduct.…

  8. Role of the careers link in academic schools and departments

    Guidance outlining the role of the Careers Link in Schools and Departments including purpose of the role, role responsibilities, desirable attributes for the role and the benefits for Schools and students.…

  9. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

    Committed to respect and fair treatment for everyone, eliminating discrimination and actively promoting equality of opportunity and delivering fairness to all.…

  10. Careers Centre Strategic Plan 2021-2024

    The Careers Centre’s purpose, aspirations, values, and approach. This document also supports five distinct themes in the overall University Strategy: world- leading, diverse, entrepreneurial, global and social responsibility.…

  11. Mental health

    The University Mental Health Strategy is to promote positive mental health and wellbeing and to support each other in the creation of a healthy, well informed and compassionate working environment in which students and staff can fulfil their…

  12. Fitness to practise medicine policy

    The GMC mandates each university with a medical School have an FtP policy applicable to medical students.…

  13. Use of recording devices by students in lectures and other learning and teaching activities

    This policy relates to the recording of lectures by students for personal use.…

  14. Safeguarding of children, vulnerable adults and prevention of radicalisation

    Provides information to employees regarding the University’s obligation to protect children and vulnerable adults who are at risk of harm, abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination or being drawn into terrorism through radicalisation.…

  15. Trans Staff and Students

    This policy provides guidance on supporting Trans staff and students.…

  16. Workload Guiding Principles

    This guidance outlines the basic principles that should be followed when constructing a workload model and when allocating workload to staff within the model.…

  17. Saints Sport accommodation

    Password protected

    This document outlines the policy and procedure relating to accommodation subsidies for individual athletes and sports representing the University.…

  18. Admissions policy

    A policy document that informs prospective students and their influencers how the University will review their application, what is required and policy procedure guidance on what to do in certain instances related to applying to study at the…

  19. Monitoring Student Visas for UKVI Compliance Purposes: Principles of Engagement Management

    The University of St Andrews is required to ensure that the engagement of all Student visa students is monitored for the purposes of compliance under the Student route framework.…

  20. Policy on Certificate of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Issuing

    This policy sets out the governance for the issue of certificate of acceptance for studies.…