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494 results found for !nullquery
  1. Failure to pay (students)

    To provide information and guidance on the responsibilities that students have regarding payment of any fees and charges due to the University, the procedures that will be followed should payment not be made, and the consequences of non-payment.…

  2. Fairtrade policy

    University of St Andrews is committed to sustainable purchasing and to supporting Fairtrade…

  3. FAQs for the reviewee

    Frequently asked questions regarding the ARDS for the reviewee.…

  4. FAQs for the reviewer

    Frequently asked questions regarding the ARDS for the reviewee.…

  5. Fee setting

    To outline the procedure for setting tuition fees…

  6. Fee status policy

    To define University policy on fee status assessment…

  7. Feedback to students on assessed work

    This policy explains the importance and general principles of feedback on assessed coursework and examinations.…

  8. Fieldwork for postgraduate research students

    This policy relates to postgraduate research activities and outlines the approval process and the requirements and responsibilities of the University and postgraduate research students in relation to fieldwork.…

  9. Filename standards - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    Filename standards. This page offers guidelines for naming files (e.g. PDFs, Word documents, Excel documents, etc.) that will be made available for download by end-users. Filenames for code can be found in the appropriate code standards. Naming…

  10. Final module in a PGT programme

    This policy relates to teaching, supervision and assessment of the final modules (normally 60 credits) of all Taught Postgraduate Masters programmes.…

  11. Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOI) for Research Funded by the Public Health Services of the United States of America Department of Health and Human Services

    To identify, declare, manage and enforce financial conflicts of interest of researchers responsible for the responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of projects applying for, or in receipt of, funding from the United States Public Health…

  12. Financial Regulations

    Outline the Financial Control Framework in place at the University…

  13. Fire safety guidance for managers


  14. Fire safety guidance for staff and students

    Compliance with legislation…

  15. Fire safety policy

    Compliance with legislation…

  16. Fitness to practise medicine policy

    The GMC mandates each university with a medical School have an FtP policy applicable to medical students.…

  17. Fixed term contracts – briefing paper for the principal investigators and line managers

    High level overview of the procedure for line managers and PI's to follow when a fixed term contract expires.…

  18. Flexible working

    Sets out how employees can request a change to their working arrangements…

  19. Flexible Working: Guidance for line managers

    To be read in conjunction with the Flexible Working Policy. To support line managers with the flexible working process.…

  20. Flexiquette guidance

    Guidance developed following feedback provided in our All-staff survey on working in the context of Covid.…