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104 results found for !nullquery
  1. Pay rates and arrangements for hourly paid teaching staff (including PGR tutors)

    Information on employees who are paid hourly rates for teaching.…

  2. Personal relationships at work

    Provides guidance on managing personal relationships between members of the University community and University students…

  3. Points based system - responsibilities

    Password protected

    Outlines the responsibilities of the employee, Head of School/Unit and HR to ensure compliance with UKVI legislation.…

  4. Policy on the use of fixed term and standard contracts

    Outlines the appropriate use of fixed term contracts and expectations of employees employed on these contracts.…

  5. Probation flowchart

    Probation process in the form of a diagram. EDI confirmed EIA not required.…

  6. Probation Policy

    EDI review performed by Stuart Hall 11/01/2023. Confirms the purpose and procedure for the probation period.…

  7. Process for transition from fellowship

    This document confirms the process from Fellowship to a standard appointment (usually as Lecturer or Reader).…

  8. Promotions Procedures 2021

    Academic Staff (Education and Research Focused, Education Focused, Research Focused) applying for Grades 7, 8 or 9…

  9. Pronoun guidance

    To provide guidance to staff and students about using pronouns…

  10. Protection of vulnerable groups and criminal records check policy

    Provides information on roles that are in scope and covered under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007.…

  11. RDS: FAQs for the reviewee

    Frequently asked questions regarding the RDS process (for the reviewee)…

  12. RDS: FAQs for the reviewer

    Frequently asked questions regarding the RDS process (for the reviewer)…

  13. Recognition agreement (between the University and the recognised TUs)

    Recognition agreement between the University and the recognised trade unions.…

  14. Redeployment policy

    This document outlines the circumstances in which redeployment for employees within the University will be considered.…

  15. Redundancy policy

    This document outlines the approach to be adopted in cases of potential redundancy situations.…

  16. Removal and relocation policy

    Provides information on the University’s relocation package for eligible employees.…

  17. Resolution policy

    To assist those in conflict or disagreement to seek resolution using informal means.…

  18. Retention and recognition payments

    Set out the University’s position on retention and recognition payments.…

  19. Retirement policy (fixed retirement age)

    This policy sets out the basis for the University’s decision to have a fixed retirement age for all employees.…

  20. Review and development scheme (RDS) for Professional staff

    Outlines the procedure to manage the annual performance and development review for support staff.…