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52 results found for !nullquery
  1. Cycle parking regulations

    Password protected

    To advise Staff and Students on the cycle regulations of the University…

  2. Cycle strategy 2017-2027

    Password protected

    Evidence based framework for undertaking action to encourage cycling…

  3. Biodiversity Policy

    Password protected

    To inform staff of the University's Biodiversity Policy…

  4. Health and Safety Incident Recording, Reporting and Investigation

    Password protected

    Health and Safety Guidance on reporting and investigating incidents…

  5. Workplace coaching policy

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    To inform University staff about the terms and process for participation in the institutional workplace coaching programme as a coachee and to set out both standards and process for participation as a coach.…

  6. Course booking policy and attendance etiquette (for events booked through PDMS)

    To ensure appropriate process is followed during the booking/requesting of places on events, and to encourage appropriate behaviour when attending events.…

  7. University of St Andrews Library – Special Collections digitisation policy

    This policy document outlines the infrastructure and processes put in place to ensure that the outstanding quality of the Library’s Special Collections is reflected online.…

  8. University privacy notice: University Ahtletic Union - affiliated sports club memberships

    This document outlines how the personal data of Athletic Union Club members is collected and used and shared.…

  9. Undergraduate senate regulations 2020-2021

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees.…

  10. Risk management policy

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    Risk Management Policy…

  11. Honorary degree guidelines

    Guidelines for nomination of honorary degrees…

  12. Undergraduate senate regulations 2019-2020

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees.…