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  1. Saints Sport First Aid Policy

    Information and Compliance…

  2. Module evaluation questionnaires

    This document provides guidance for staff and students on the University's Module Evaluation Questionnaire.…

  3. Rights and responsibilities of honorary appointees

    This document describes the rights and responsibilities of Honorary Appointees.…

  4. Regulation of curriculum changes to comply with Consumer Protection Legislation (CPL) Guidance

    This guidance outlines dates and processes in relation to timely communications of curricular changes to current students and applications to ensure that the University comply with Consumer Protection Legislation (2014).…

  5. Academic adjustments for disabled students Guidance for staff

    This guidance provides clarification for School staff on the various reasonable adjustments that may be specified in disabled students' support plans. The guidance also provides case study examples on a case-by-case basis.…

  6. Academic adjustments for disabled students Guidance for students

    This guidance provides students with practical information on procedures for declaring a disability and the kind of reasonable adjustments which are available on a case-by-case basis.…

  7. UK Visas and Immigration Student Visa Compliance Statement

    This document outlines the approach that the University of St Andrews takes in managing and maintaining compliance with all Student visa requirements, and details the structures used to deliver this approach, as well as the responsibilities of the…

  8. Monitoring Student Visas for UKVI Compliance Purposes: Principles of Engagement Management

    The University of St Andrews is required to ensure that the engagement of all Student visa holders is monitored for the purposes of compliance under the Student Route.…

  9. Fee setting

    To outline the procedure for setting tuition fees…

  10. Fee status policy

    To define University policy on fee status assessment…

  11. Failure to matriculate

    The policy explains the process and implications of failure to matriculate…

  12. Staff fees policy

    Password protected

    To define university policy on staff fees…

  13. Tuition fee liability policy

    To define university policy on tuition fee liability…

  14. Honorary appointments

    This policy includes eligibility and criteria. approval authority, procedures, duration, rights and responsibilities and Academic Profiles for Honorary Appointments.…

  15. Performance sport expected behaviours

    Password protected

    This document outlines the performance characteristics required to be a student athlete…

  16. Laser safety - policy

    Provide instruction on the management and safe use of lasers at the University, to ensure compliance with ‘The Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010’…

  17. Library regulations

    Regulations for using the libraries of the University of St Andrews.…

  18. university Nursery Terms and Conditions

    This document outlines the terms and conditions of use for the University of St Andrews Nursery.…

  19. Student Conduct Policy

    This Policy deals with judgements against students in relation to non-academic misconduct and disciplinary matters…

  20. Severance policy

    To set out the University’s policy on the payment of compensation to staff on the termination of their employment (other than the ending of a fixed term contract/ redundancy/Voluntary Severance Early Retirement (VSER) situation).…