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133 results found for !nullquery
  1. Principles for the use of indicators in research assessment and management

    Provide a set of principles for how to use quantitative and qualitative indicators responsibly when assessing and managing research.…

  2. Education and Student Experience Strategy

    The refreshed University Strategy develops the World-leading, Diverse, and Entrepreneurial themes of our existing Strategy, and brings forward two others in an interconnected way for a fast-changing world – Sustainable and Digital.…

  3. Illegible exam scripts

    This policy relates to the responsibility of UG and PGT students to ensure their examination scripts are legible, and how Schools should proceed in instances where examination scripts are illegible.…

  4. Module and programme approval

    This policy relates to all proposals for new modules and new programmes.…

  5. Suicide prevention

    This strategy details the responsibilities, roles and processes through which we seek to prevent suicide and address the consequences when, despite best practice and sustained support, a tragic death of this kind does occur.…

  6. Advertising in the Library

    This describes how staff and students can advertise events, etc, throughout the Library estate.…

  7. External Examiner guidance: Sharing undergraduate and postgraduate external examiner reports

    This document provides guidance to External Examiners, School/department staff and students on sharing External Examiner annual reports.…

  8. New and expectant mothers guidance

    Guidance on the precautions for new and expectant mothers…

  9. Local rules and guidance on the use of ionising radiations

    Password protected

    Policy, local rules for work with ionsing radiations, radioactivity and X-rays…

  10. Policy and guidance on the safe storage and handling of cryogenic materials

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    Provide guidance on the safe use and storage of cryogenic materials. It also provides guidance on the controls needed for the use of such materials…

  11. Chemical and biological safety – part 1 – guidance on chemical safety

    Provide guidance on protection against hazardous chemicals and also to ensure compliance with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and also the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002…

  12. Policy and guidance on work with lasers and high powered artificial optical radiation

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    To ensure compliance with the ‘Control of of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010…

  13. RBS health and safety policy

    RBS Health and Safety Policy and Management Arrangements…

  14. Trans Staff and Students

    This policy provides guidance on supporting Trans staff and students.…

  15. Safeguarding of children, vulnerable adults and prevention of radicalisation

    Provides information to employees regarding the University’s obligation to protect children and vulnerable adults who are at risk of harm, abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination or being drawn into terrorism through radicalisation.…

  16. Use of recording devices by students in lectures and other learning and teaching activities

    This policy relates to the recording of lectures by students for personal use.…

  17. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

    Committed to respect and fair treatment for everyone, eliminating discrimination and actively promoting equality of opportunity and delivering fairness to all.…

  18. Resolution policy

    To assist those in conflict or disagreement to seek resolution using informal means.…

  19. Use of generative AI - LLM

    To communicate the risks as presently understood to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of University information and personal data in the use of publicly available GenAI tools…

  20. Curriculum at St Andrews

    This document provides an overview of how the University reviews its curriculum portfolio on a regular basis including programmes and modules.…