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  1. Credits and grade conversions for study abroad

    This policy sets out procedures relating to the acquisition and conversion of credits and grades at institutions other than St Andrews, in the course of a St Andrews degree programme.…

  2. Award of posthumous qualifications

    This policy relates to the award of a posthumous qualification in the event of a student's death.…

  3. Common reporting scale

    The Common reporting scale is a rough guide only, which describes each grade as a classification equivalent.…

  4. ScotGEM graduate entry medicine terms and conditions of study 2023

    This document sets out the terms and conditions for the ScotGEM graduate entry medicine programme.…

  5. Postgraduate change of registration

    This policy outlines the criteria for re-registering to a different postgraduate degree.…

  6. Postgraduate research discount for former students

    To define the policy on discount for research students…

  7. Tuition fee policy for the children of employees

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    To define university policy on the fee rate for children of employees…

  8. Assessments, policies and procedures: Guidance for staff

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    Guidance concerning disclosure of personal information by students, School discretion and a key outlining the criteria for a range of possible academic adjustments.…

  9. Student harassment and bullying policy

    The purpose of the policy is to encourage a culture where harassment and bullying will not be tolerated and to outline the steps that can be taken to deal with any issues of harassment and bullying and prevent their recurrence.…

  10. Budget Management

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    To give guidance to Budget Holders on the best practice for budget management…

  11. Entry to honours

    This policy outlines the criteria for entry to honours.…

  12. Take-home exams: Guidance for staff

    This document provides guidance for staff in organising Take-home exams.…

  13. Late submission of exam scripts: guidance for staff

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    This document provides guidance for staff on the late submission of exam scripts.…

  14. Classification policy

    This policy explains which degrees are classified and the classification algorithm used for each classified degree.…

  15. Secondment policy

    This policy sets out the University’s approach to secondments, the basis on which they may be taken and how they should be managed.…

  16. Occupational health

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    policy statement regarding the funciton of occupational health…

  17. Safety co-ordinator role description template

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    This is a template for the duties of a School/Unit safety co-ordinator…

  18. Exchange and study abroad student policy

    This document details the University of St Andrews’ policy on the admission and registration of non-graduating exchange and study abroad students to undergraduate, taught postgraduate and postgraduate research programmes.…

  19. Cycle to Work scheme

    FAQs regarding the Cycle to Work Scheme.…

  20. University health and safety policy

    Compliance with legislation…