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  1. Access to information during periods of staff absence

    This Policy defines the circumstances under which access to information held in email and files can be made during periods of absence, for business continuity purposes.…

  2. Financial Regulations

    Outline the Financial Control Framework in place at the University…

  3. Requests for personal data by the Police or a similar third party for the purposes of the prevention or detection of crime, apprehension or prosecution of offenders, or for taxation
  4. Probation Policy

    EDI review performed by Stuart Hall 11/01/2023. Confirms the purpose and procedure for the probation period.…

  5. Guidance for Investigation Managers

    Guidance for Investigation Managers to…

  6. Annual leave policy

    Provides guidance on the annual and statutory leave process and information on closure days.…

  7. Audio Visual Specification

    The University of St Andrews AV Standards are designed to afford the University reliable, performant and standards compliant audio visual infrastructure.…

  8. Google Analytics policy - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    Google Analytics policy. Google Analytics is a powerful data tool that tracks and reports website and mobile app traffic. This policy describes the arrangement between the Digital Communications team and any University members of staff in relation…

  9. Menopause

    Raise awareness of menopause symptoms and provide a framework for requesting support in the workplace.…

  10. Salary sacrifice

    Guidance on Salary Sacrifice for employees in the USS and S&LAS Pension Schemes.…

  11. Overseas working

    This procedure provides an overview of the process to be followed when recruiting new employees who will be based overseas or posting existing employees to work overseas on a long-term basis.…

  12. Discipline flowchart

    To be referred to in cases where there are possible issues of misconduct.…

  13. Disciplinary

    To be referred to in cases where there are possible issues of misconduct.…

  14. Usability testing policy - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    Usability testing policy. This policy covers all usability testing which takes place at the University of St Andrews and applies to all staff who are involved in any usability testing process. The policy applies to in-person and distance testing,…

  15. Adverse weather

    To provide guidance to staff in the event of a difficulty in attending work due to adverse/severe weather conditions.…

  16. Guidance for the use of Flexible Worker Assignments (Contract for Services)

    Provide information about the use of Flexible Worker Assignments.…

  17. Investigation: Meeting Format

    Guidance for Investigation Managers to outline the recommended meeting format.…

  18. Travel Plan

    Password protected

    To inform staff of the University’s travel plan…

  19. Overtime policy

    Provide guidance to managers and employees on the operation of overtime.…

  20. Stress policy

    Outlines the approach to the prevention and management of occupational stress throughout the University.…