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  1. Statement of Service

    This policy describes the Careers Centre’s purpose, aim, and values; defines user eligibility and explains our goals in respect of students, graduates, employers, Careers Centre staff, the University and all other interested parties.…

  2. Learning and access policy 2021-23

    Museums policy to set out aims for making Museums of the University of St Andrews’ activities and collections accessible to all, working to understand our audiences and remove barriers to make participation as easy and enjoyable as possible.…

  3. Monitoring Student Visas for UKVI Compliance Purposes: Principles of Engagement Management

    The University of St Andrews is required to ensure that the engagement of all Student visa holders is monitored for the purposes of compliance under the Student Route.…

  4. Common reporting scale

    The Common reporting scale is a rough guide only, which describes each grade as a classification equivalent.…

  5. Good academic practice: Guidance for students and frequently asked questions

    Guidance and FAQs concerning academic misconduct.…

  6. UK Visas and Immigration Student Visa Compliance Statement

    This document outlines the approach that the University of St Andrews takes in managing and maintaining compliance with all Student visa requirements, and details the structures used to deliver this approach, as well as the responsibilities of the…

  7. Postgraduate senate regulations 2019-20

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  8. Postgraduate Senate Regulations 2018/19

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  9. Failure to pay (students)

    To provide information and guidance on the responsibilities that students have regarding payment of any fees and charges due to the University, the procedures that will be followed should payment not be made, and the consequences of non-payment.…

  10. Take-home exams: Guidance for students

    This document provides students with guidance for Take-home exams…

  11. Academic adjustments for disabled students Guidance for students

    This guidance provides students with practical information on procedures for declaring a disability and the kind of reasonable adjustments which are available on a case-by-case basis.…

  12. Student Conduct Risk Management Policy

    To review concerns regarding student conduct, assessing risk and taking any necessary precautionary action for the protection of the University community…

  13. Student harassment and bullying policy

    The purpose of the policy is to encourage a culture where harassment and bullying will not be tolerated and to outline the steps that can be taken to deal with any issues of harassment and bullying and prevent their recurrence.…

  14. Leave of Absence, Re-engagement and Withdrawal

    This policy outlines and addresses the conditions and processes through which students can take Leave of Absence, re-engage with their studies following a period of temporary absence, or to cease attending the University through a process of…

  15. Policy on Fines for Breaches of COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines September 2021

    This policy deals with fines issued for breaches of Government and University Covid-19 Health and Safety Guidelines…

  16. Overarching Senate Regulations

    Overarching Senate Regulations which apply to all students at the University of St Andrews.…

  17. Credits and grade conversions for study abroad

    This policy sets out procedures relating to the acquisition and conversion of credits and grades at institutions other than St Andrews, in the course of a St Andrews degree programme.…

  18. Saints Sport accommodation

    Password protected

    This document outlines the policy and procedure relating to accommodation subsidies for individual athletes and sports representing the University.…

  19. Admissions policy

    A policy document that informs prospective students and their influencers how the University will review their application, what is required and policy procedure guidance on what to do in certain instances related to applying to study at the…

  20. Policy on Certificate of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Issuing

    This policy sets out the governance for the issue of certificate of acceptance for studies.…