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202 results found for !nullquery
  1. Wellbeing Review

    To consider the ‘supply side’ of wellbeing provision in the university and provide a single definition of the term ‘wellbeing’ to facilitate wider conversation.…

  2. Education and Student Experience Strategy

    The refreshed University Strategy develops the World-leading, Diverse, and Entrepreneurial themes of our existing Strategy, and brings forward two others in an interconnected way for a fast-changing world – Sustainable and Digital.…

  3. Control of legionella risk in water systems

    Policy statement and outline management and operational arrangement for controlling legionella risk across University Estate…

  4. ScotGEM graduate entry medicine terms and conditions of study 2023

    This document sets out the terms and conditions for the ScotGEM graduate entry medicine programme.…

  5. Award of posthumous qualifications

    This policy relates to the award of a posthumous qualification in the event of a student's death.…

  6. External Examiner guidance: Sharing undergraduate and postgraduate external examiner reports

    This document provides guidance to External Examiners, School/department staff and students on sharing External Examiner annual reports.…

  7. Use of generative AI - LLM

    To communicate the risks as presently understood to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of University information and personal data in the use of publicly available GenAI tools…

  8. The selection, use and maintenance of personal protective equipment (PPE)

    Guidance on the selection, use and maintenance of personal protective equipment…

  9. Non-Academic Misconduct Policy and Code of Student Conduct

    This Policy deals with judgements against students in relation to non-academic misconduct and disciplinary matters…

  10. Regulation of curriculum changes to comply with Consumer Protection Legislation (CPL) Guidance

    This guidance outlines dates and processes in relation to timely communications of curricular changes to current students and applications to ensure that the University comply with Consumer Protection Legislation (2014).…

  11. Module and programme approval

    This policy relates to all proposals for new modules and new programmes.…

  12. Student Conduct Risk Management Policy

    To review concerns regarding student conduct, assessing risk and taking any necessary precautionary action.…

  13. Chemical and biological safety – Part 2 – Biological and genetic modification safety

    This document provides guidance on working with biological agents and genetically modified organisms…

  14. Leave of Absence, Re-engagement and Withdrawal

    This policy outlines and addresses the conditions and processes through which students can take Leave of Absence, re-engage with their studies following a period of temporary absence, or to cease attending the University through a process of…

  15. New and expectant mothers guidance

    Guidance on the precautions for new and expectant mothers…

  16. Academic adjustments for disabled students Guidance for students

    This guidance provides students with practical information on procedures for declaring a disability and the kind of reasonable adjustments which are available on a case-by-case basis.…

  17. St Andrews LLM guide

    Password protected

    This document presents guidance about Generative AI technologies in learning and teaching. It explains how large language models work, and provides a framework for good assessment design.…

  18. Noise at work

    Policy and guidance on measurement of noise levels and how to control noise levels in the workplace…

  19. Postgraduate change of registration

    This policy outlines the criteria for re-registering to a different postgraduate degree.…

  20. General Risk Assessment Policy

    Compliance with legislation…