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228 results found for !nullquery
  1. Use of captured content – Guidance for staff

    This guidance supports the Policy on the Use of Captured Content and is for use by University staff.…

  2. Use of captured content – Guidance for students

    This document provides supplementary guidance for students to the Policy on the Use of Captured Content.…

  3. St Andrews Consulting Services Limited & University Consultancy Process Note

    Password protected

    The purpose of this document is to map out the individual process steps for supporting a University academic to undertake third-party consultancy work in line with the revised University Consultancy Policy.…

  4. Data governance policy

    The purpose of this policy is to describe the University’s approach to data governance in terms of data availability, data accessibility and data quality and to outline how clear accountability for each is managed.…

  5. Academic adjustments for disabled students

    This policy outlines the processes and procedures through which disabled students can request reasonable academic adjustments to both teaching and assessment.…

  6. Policy on the use of fixed term and standard contracts

    Outlines the appropriate use of fixed term contracts and expectations of employees employed on these contracts.…

  7. Business Transformation Policy

    Password protected

    To support prioritisation and delivery of complex change iinitiatives…

  8. Retention and recognition payments

    Set out the University’s position on retention and recognition payments.…

  9. Classification policy

    This policy explains which degrees are classified and the classification algorithm used for each classified degree.…

  10. Electronic data destruction and media disposal policy

    Password protected

    This policy covers the destruction of electronic media that stores or has stored, University-owned data as defined within the Information Classification Policy…

  11. Paternity leave

    This policy provides information on the University’s paternity leave and enhanced pay provision.…

  12. Best practice for device connectivity

    Password protected

    Document outlining the best practice for securing devices connecting to the University network…

  13. Maternity leave

    Provides information regarding the University’s Maternity offering and procedures.…

  14. Fixed term contracts – briefing paper for the principal investigators and line managers

    High level overview of the procedure for line managers and PI's to follow when a fixed term contract expires.…

  15. Academic alerts (staff guidance)

    Password protected

    This guidance gives supplementary information to staff on the use of the Academic Alerts system and is to be used in conjunction with the Policy on Academic Alerts.…

  16. Protection of vulnerable groups and criminal records check policy

    Provides information on roles that are in scope and covered under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007.…

  17. Guidance for Heads on the training of External Examiners

    Guidance for Heads on the training of External Examiners…

  18. Leave of Absence, Re-engagement and Withdrawal

    This policy outlines and addresses the conditions and processes through which students can take Leave of Absence, re-engage with their studies following a period of temporary absence, or to cease attending the University through a process of…

  19. Visitors from overseas guidance

    Immigration guidance for overseas visitors…

  20. Probation Policy

    EDI review performed by Stuart Hall 11/01/2023. Confirms the purpose and procedure for the probation period.…