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41 results found for !nullquery
  1. Setting up our shared space

    This document provides guidance on engaging in a shared online teaching space. It articulates the issues as experienced by both staff and students.…

  2. Digital preservation policy

    To provide a statement of the University’s ongoing commitment and approach to preserving its digital content selected for permanent retention, so that materials remain accessible and usable to relevant wide audiences in perpetuity.…

  3. Sustainable and Ethical Procurement Policy

    Aligned with the University of St Andrews Sustainable Development Strategy & the associated Policy Statement, integrating environmental & social responsibilities in the University’s activities.…

  4. Guidance on hazardous waste disposal and recycling of wastes

    Guidance on the procedures for the disposal of hazardous wastes and recycling other types of waste (2012)…

  5. Ladder Safety

    Guidance on safe use of ladders and stepladders…

  6. Work at height

    Guidance on safe working at height (2012)…

  7. University guidance for electrical safety

    Rules for the use of electrical systems…

  8. Diving rules - Scientific and archaeological diving projects

    Rules for undertaking underwater diving work activities…

  9. Guidance on the use of the COSHH risk management programme CHARM

    Guidance on the use of the COSHH risk assessment programme…

  10. Risk Assessment Form Template

    Risk assessment form template…

  11. The selection, use and maintenance of personal protective equipment (PPE)

    Guidance on the selection, use and maintenance of personal protective equipment…

  12. University guidance for safe manual handling operations

    Guidance on manual handling operations…

  13. Noise at work

    Policy and guidance on measurement of noise levels and how to control noise levels in the workplace…

  14. Chemical and biological safety – Part 2 – Biological and genetic modification safety

    This document provides guidance on working with biological agents and genetically modified organisms…

  15. Guidance on safety signs and signals

    Guidance on the use of safety signs and signals…

  16. Lifting operations and lifting equipment

    Guidance on the requirements of the lifting equipment and lifting operations regulations 1998…

  17. Guidance on workplace inspections

    This is the University Local Rules in compliance with legislation. This document also provides detailed guidance on radiation safety.…

  18. Using University Buildings Safely

    Password protected

    Guidance for University staff and students during a gradual return to University buildings…

  19. Data governance policy

    The purpose of this policy is to describe the University’s approach to data governance in terms of data availability, data accessibility and data quality and to outline how clear accountability for each is managed.…

  20. Incident, Accident and Near Miss Investigation Form
