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  1. Anti-Money Laundering

    To set out the procedure to be followed if money laundering is suspected and defines the responsibility of individual employees in the process.…

  2. Applying to the postgraduate research fieldwork bursary fund

    This guidance gives an overview of the Fieldwork Bursary Fund, outlines the eligibility criteria of the Bursary Fund and how students can apply for a fieldwork bursary.…

  3. Appointment overview and terms & conditions

    Appointments offered by the Careers Centre, when they are available and how to book; expectations for students, graduates or staff members, including what they will be provided with at the appointment and how they should act before, during and after…

  4. Apprentice, trainee & intern guidance

    These guidelines aim to set out a consistent approach to how the University recruits, engages with, supports and develops its apprentices, trainees and interns.…

  5. Asbestos Policy

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    This policy document sets out the University policy statement and the organisational and managerial arrangements necessary to deliver it…

  6. Assessment of Covid-19 impacted research degrees

    This document provides guidance on the assessment of research theses that have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.…

  7. Assessment of postgraduate research students

    Details the rules and regulations governing the assessment of postgraduate research students.…

  8. Assessment policies and procedures

    This policy relates to the process of assessment and role of external examiners, assessment irregularities, deferred assessment, S Coding and the procedure for students requesting academic adjustments due to exceptional circumstances.…

  9. Assessment, marking and module boards

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    Guidance for Schools on marking of continuous assessment, examinations and module boards during the Covid-19 pandemic.…

  10. Assessment: marking and standard setting

    This policy relates to the formal processes involved in assessment and serves to amplify and clarify details of the procedures surrounding marking.…