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  1. Gender-based violence (including Sexual Misconduct)

    This policy sets out the procedure for raising and responding to disclosures of GBV and sexual misconduct.…

  2. Dignity and respect at work

    This policy sets out the procedure for raising, addressing and resolving concerns about individual or organisational behaviour in regard to bullying, harassment, discrimination or victimisation.…

  3. Redundancy policy

    This document outlines the approach to be adopted in cases of potential redundancy situations.…

  4. Personal relationships at work

    Provides guidance on managing personal relationships between members of the University community and University students…

  5. Staff death protocol

    Password protected

    This guidance outlines the actions to be taken when an employee dies in service.…

  6. Code of practice for the employment and management of research staff

    This guidance sets out the expectations for the employment and management of research staff at the University.…

  7. Guidance note for conducting redundancy consultation meetings for the expiry of FTCs

    Sets out the procedure for line managers or PI’s to follow when an FTC is due to expire.…

  8. Retirement policy (fixed retirement age)

    This policy sets out the basis for the University’s decision to have a fixed retirement age for all employees.…

  9. Leaving the university

    This document provides employees with guidance on leaving the University.…

  10. Flexible working

    Sets out how employees can request a change to their working arrangements…