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158 results found for !nullquery
  1. Tax strategy

    To set out the University's policy and approach to conducting its tax affairs and management of tax risk.…

  2. Treasury management

    This FOP outlines the University's policy and procedure for treasury management, including risk management, cash flow and money laundering.…

  3. Credit check procedure

    To outline the procedure by which the University eliminates the provision of excessive credit to potential customers.…

  4. Sustainability Investments Policy

    To set out the investment strategy for, and the use of endowment funds which have been permanently endowed to the University for both specific and general purposes.…

  5. Incident response to death

    Password protected

    Guidance for staff on responding to the death of a student…

  6. Anti-bribery and corruption

    To set out the University’s approach to dealing with the requirements of the Bribery Act 2010 in order to comply with the legislation.…

  7. Retention and recognition payments

    Set out the University’s position on retention and recognition payments.…

  8. Maintaining the security of credit & debit card data - policy

    Password protected

    Policy to cover PCI-DSS compliance (credit / debit cards)…

  9. Copyright for teaching

    This document helps you understand how to use copyright material legally in your teaching.…

  10. Recognition agreement (between the University and the recognised TUs)

    Recognition agreement between the University and the recognised trade unions.…