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126 results found for !nullquery
  1. Feedback to students on assessed work

    This policy explains the importance and general principles of feedback on assessed coursework and examinations.…

  2. Definitions for classification, grades, marks and the 20-point scale (undergraduate and integrated Masters degrees)

    To provide definitions for classification, grades and marks using the 20-point scale.…

  3. Assessments, policies and procedures: Guidance for staff

    Password protected

    Guidance concerning disclosure of personal information by students, School discretion and a key outlining the criteria for a range of possible academic adjustments.…

  4. Postgraduate Taught Senate Regulations

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate taught degrees.…

  5. Postgraduate research senate regulations

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate research degrees.…

  6. Assessment of postgraduate research students

    Details the rules and regulations governing the assessment of postgraduate research students.…

  7. Registration and induction of postgraduate research students

    Policy on the registration and induction of postgraduate research students. Includes policy on co-tutelle agreements and changes to mode of study.…

  8. Entry to honours

    This policy outlines the criteria for entry to honours.…

  9. Requests for review of decision for entry to Honours

    This policy outlines the criteria for review of the decision of refusal to entry to Honours and the process involved in requesting a review.…

  10. Take-home exams: Guidance for staff

    This document provides guidance for staff in organising Take-home exams.…