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126 results found for !nullquery
  1. Undergraduate senate regulations 2022-2023

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees.…

  2. Good academic practice: Guidance for students and frequently asked questions

    Guidance and FAQs concerning academic misconduct.…

  3. Scottish graduate entry medicine (SCOTGEM) MB ChB programme regulations 2024-2025 (Version 1.8)

    The document details the regulations unique to the Scottish Graduate Entry Medicine programme (ScotGEM).…

  4. Good academic practice case studies (for staff use only)

    Password protected

    Procedure which should be followed when conducting/participating in a Board of Adjudication concerning academic misconduct.…

  5. Undergraduate senate regulations 2019-2020

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees.…

  6. Length of study and associated fees for postgraduate research students

    This policy lays out the study periods for all postgraduate research degrees, including periods of continuation and extension. It includes the process for requesting an extension.…

  7. Doctoral students who teach

    This policy outlines the requirements of Schools in selecting and supporting postgraduate teachers and other hourly-paid teaching staff.…

  8. Use of videoconferencing in a Viva

    Guidelines on the use of videoconferencing equipment and software in a PGR viva examination…

  9. Postgraduate senate regulations 2021-22

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  10. External Examiner guidance: Sharing undergraduate and postgraduate external examiner reports

    This document provides guidance to External Examiners, School/department staff and students on sharing External Examiner annual reports.…