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27 results found for !nullquery
  1. Rights and responsibilities of honorary appointees

    This document describes the rights and responsibilities of Honorary Appointees.…

  2. Honorary appointments

    This policy includes eligibility and criteria. approval authority, procedures, duration, rights and responsibilities and Academic Profiles for Honorary Appointments.…

  3. Formulaic Approach to School Operational Budgets

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    To give an overview of how School operational budgets are set…

  4. School Flexible Financial Framework (FFF)

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    To set out the financial framework that schools can operate within in order to support their strategic ambition.…

  5. Take-home exams

    This policy provides a definition and requirements for Take-Home exams.…

  6. Length of study and associated fees for postgraduate research students

    This policy lays out the study periods for all postgraduate research degrees, including periods of continuation and extension. It includes the process for requesting an extension.…

  7. Use of plagiarism detection software

    This policy relates to the University's use of plagiarism detection software, the limitations of the software and the key issues for both Schools and students.…

  8. Discounted time for postgraduate research students

    This policy details when a student may request discounted time, the process for submitting a request and the evidence required.…

  9. Guidance on the use of external supervisors for postgraduate research students

    This document provides guidance on the use and appointment of external supervisors for postgraduate research students.…

  10. Progress reviews and termination of studies for postgraduate research students

    Policy governing progress reviews and termination of studies for postgraduate research students…