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17 results found for !nullquery
  1. International Foundation Programmes and Presessional Courses

    This document outlines the attendance policy for International Foundation Programme and Presessional Courses…

  2. Fieldwork for postgraduate research students

    This policy relates to postgraduate research activities and outlines the approval process and the requirements and responsibilities of the University and postgraduate research students in relation to fieldwork.…

  3. Parental leave for postgraduate research students

    This policy relates to support available to postgraduate research students due to pregnancy or adoption of a child, and applies to students who become pregnant, partners who are pregnant and students adopting a child.…

  4. University privacy notice: Postgraduate research students

    To advise people how their personal data are used by the University.…

  5. Assessment of Covid-19 impacted research degrees

    This document provides guidance on the assessment of research theses that have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.…

  6. Research Skills Training

    Password protected

    Policy on the provision of research skills training for postgraduate research students.…

  7. PhD by portfolio of published work (student route)

    Lays out the requirements and processes for students wishing to submit a portfolio of works prepared for publication in lieu of a thesis.…

  8. Postgraduate research senate regulations

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate research degrees.…

  9. Assessment of postgraduate research students

    Details the rules and regulations governing the assessment of postgraduate research students.…

  10. Registration and induction of postgraduate research students

    Policy on the registration and induction of postgraduate research students. Includes policy on co-tutelle agreements and changes to mode of study.…