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5 results found for !nullquery
  1. Estates health and Safety Policy

    Password protected

    This policy document sets out the estates department's health and safety policy statement, and the organisational and managerial arrangements necessary to deliver it…

  2. General Risk Assessment Policy

    Compliance with legislation…

  3. Guidance notes on drafting School/Unit safety arrangements

    Guidance to help Schools and Units drafting their local policies and procedures…

  4. Policy on dealing with abusive, persistent or vexatious complaints and complainants

    To ensure that access to the Complaints Handling Procedure is reasonably available, and that the University’s ability to provide services is not unduly degraded, through unacceptable behaviour and/or vexatious use.…

  5. Workshop safety guidance

    Password protected

    Policy and safety procedures for working in a workshop (2012)…