Document search

21 results found for !nullquery
  1. Biodiversity Policy

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    To inform staff of the University's Biodiversity Policy…

  2. Chemical and biological safety – Part 2 – Biological and genetic modification safety

    This document provides guidance on working with biological agents and genetically modified organisms…

  3. Cycle parking regulations

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    To advise Staff and Students on the cycle regulations of the University…

  4. Cycle strategy 2017-2027

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    Evidence based framework for undertaking action to encourage cycling…

  5. Digital preservation policy

    To provide a statement of the University’s ongoing commitment and approach to preserving its digital content selected for permanent retention, so that materials remain accessible and usable to relevant wide audiences in perpetuity.…

  6. Diving rules - Scientific and archaeological diving projects

    Rules for undertaking underwater diving work activities…

  7. Guidance on hazardous waste disposal and recycling of wastes

    Guidance on the procedures for the disposal of hazardous wastes and recycling other types of waste (2012)…

  8. Guidance on safety signs and signals

    Guidance on the use of safety signs and signals…

  9. Guidance on the use of the COSHH risk management programme CHARM

    Guidance on the use of the COSHH risk assessment programme…

  10. Guidance on workplace inspections

    This is the University Local Rules in compliance with legislation. This document also provides detailed guidance on radiation safety.…