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  1. Travel and fieldwork policy

    Establishes a travel and fieldwork risk assessment process that applies to staff and students representing the University who engage in travel and/or fieldwork.…

  2. Setting up boards of adjudication using Teams

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    Guidance for setting up Board of Adjudication on Teams during the Covid-19 pandemic.…

  3. Sustainable design guide

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    The Estates design guide is intended to lay out design criteria for all those involved in building design, refurbishment and maintenance…

  4. Terms and conditions for the purchase of goods and services

    Terms and conditions for the purchase of goods and services.…

  5. Special Collections public task statement

    This describes for the purposes of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015, Special Collections considers its "public task" to be providing education to, and facilitating research by, students, staff and members of the public.…

  6. FAQs for the reviewer

    Frequently asked questions regarding the ARDS for the reviewee.…

  7. Saints Sport Awards regulations

    This document outlines the regulations for the annual Saints Sport Awards.…

  8. Declaration of Interests

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    Providing expectations and processes for individuals to reflect on their interests, and identify, declare and mitigate any potential conflicts of interest if and when they arise: to avoid compromising - or the perception of compromising –…

  9. Consultancy Policy

    The policy seeks to define what should be considered as consultancy and encourage this activity within a supported environment and with relevant agreements.…

  10. Intellectual Property Policy

    To provide guidance on the University’s approach to the protection and exploitation of Intellectual Property.…