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21 results found for !nullquery
  1. Biodiversity Policy

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    To inform staff of the University's Biodiversity Policy…

  2. Cycle strategy 2017-2027

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    Evidence based framework for undertaking action to encourage cycling…

  3. Cycle parking regulations

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    To advise Staff and Students on the cycle regulations of the University…

  4. Sustainable design guide

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    The Estates design guide is intended to lay out design criteria for all those involved in building design, refurbishment and maintenance…

  5. Control of legionella risk – technical guidance

    This document supports the Control of Legionella Policy document, expanding the management and operational arrangements sections with more comprehensive details of the standards to be achieved.…

  6. Pets in accommodation

    To set out the policy on pets in accommodation and the requirements on assistance dogs…

  7. Cycle parking regulations

    To advise staff, students and the public on the cycle regulations of the University…

  8. Biodiversity policy

    Password protected

    To inform staff of the University’s Biodiversity Policy…

  9. Physical security policy

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    This Policy will outline the approach of the University to ensure, as far as is reasonably practical, the personal safety and security of all students, staff, visitors and contributors across the University estate and University assets.…

  10. Travel Plan

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    To inform staff of the University’s travel plan…