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  1. WordPress policy - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    WordPress policy. This policy covers all WordPress sites hosted within the University's WordPress multisite installation. All sites within the multisite are found on the domain For academics and researchers who require a site…

  2. Admissions policy

    A policy document that informs prospective students and their influencers how the University will review their application, what is required and policy procedure guidance on what to do in certain instances related to applying to study at the…

  3. Consultancy Policy

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    The policy seeks to define what should be considered as consultancy and encourage this activity within a supported environment and with relevant agreements.…

  4. Academic alerts

    This policy concerns all matters relating to Academic Alerts including types and status, attendance monitoring and procedures for issuing and managing academic alerts.…

  5. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

    Committed to respect and fair treatment for everyone, eliminating discrimination and actively promoting equality of opportunity and delivering fairness to all.…

  6. Fraud response

    To set out the steps required to be taken when a report is made to the University that alleges that fraud or financial irregularity has occurred.…

  7. Capability (poor performance): FAQs

    Frequently asked questions for the employee and line manager.…

  8. Advertising in the Library

    This describes how staff and students can advertise events, etc, throughout the Library estate.…

  9. Work placements

    This policy relates to work placements and includes the definition and scope, principles, learning outcomes, roles and responsibilities, assessment and recognition, quality assurance, risk management, work placement agreements and UKVI compliance.…

  10. Market supplement policy

    To address discrepancy between evaluated grade and market pay rates when there is a retention or recruitment issue.…

  11. Declaration of Interests

    Providing expectations and processes for individuals to reflect on their interests, and identify, declare and mitigate any potential conflicts of interest if and when they arise: to avoid compromising - or the perception of compromising –…

  12. Student Conduct Policy

    This Policy deals with judgements against students in relation to non-academic misconduct and disciplinary matters…

  13. Dignity & Respect at Work: FAQs

    Frequently asked questions for employee and line manager.…

  14. V-Coding

    This policy explains the rationale and procedure for V-coding being applied to a student record.…

  15. Suicide prevention

    This strategy details the responsibilities, roles and processes through which we seek to prevent suicide and address the consequences when, despite best practice and sustained support, a tragic death of this kind does occur.…

  16. Immigration Reimbursement Policy

    This policy sets out the University’s approach to the reimbursement of immigration costs.…

  17. List of unacceptable conduct examples

    List of examples that the University deems as unacceptable conduct.…

  18. Junior Saints terms and conditions

    Junior Saints classes, camps, and services.…

  19. Flexible Working: Guidance for line managers

    To be read in conjunction with the Flexible Working Policy. To support line managers with the flexible working process.…

  20. Saints Sport terms and conditions

    This document outlines the terms and conditions of use for the University sports facilities and all Saints Sport services…

  21. Cycle parking regulations

    To advise staff, students and the public on the cycle regulations of the University…

  22. Digital preservation policy

    To provide a statement of the University’s ongoing commitment and approach to preserving its digital content selected for permanent retention, so that materials remain accessible and usable to relevant wide audiences in perpetuity.…

  23. Administering Medication (Junior Saints)

    Management of medication at Junior Saints Classes and Camps…

  24. Policy on dealing with abusive, persistent or vexatious complaints and complainants

    To ensure that access to the Complaints Handling Procedure is reasonably available, and that the University’s ability to provide services is not unduly degraded, through unacceptable behaviour and/or vexatious use.…

  25. University Nursery Terms and Conditions

    This document outlines the terms and conditions of use for the University of St Andrews Nursery.…

  26. Leaving the university

    This document provides employees with guidance on leaving the University.…

  27. Scholarships policy – for entry 2024/5

    This policy outlines the principles within which the University of St Andrews communicates awards and administers scholarships and bursaries.…

  28. Learning and access policy

    Museums policy to set out aims for making Museums of the University of St Andrews’ activities and collections accessible to all, working to understand our audiences and remove barriers to make participation as easy and enjoyable as possible.…

  29. Budget Management

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    To give guidance to Budget Holders on the best practice for budget management…

  30. Secondment policy

    This policy sets out the University’s approach to secondments, the basis on which they may be taken and how they should be managed.…

  31. Tax strategy

    To set out the University's policy and approach to conducting its tax affairs and management of tax risk.…

  32. Asbestos Policy

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    This policy document sets out the University policy statement and the organisational and managerial arrangements necessary to deliver it…

  33. Sickness absence policy

    Outlines the procedure for the management of sickness absence within the University.…

  34. Constitution of the University of St Andrews Athletic Union

    This document outlines the Constitution of the University of St Andrews Athletic Union…

  35. Support to study

    This policy relates to serious concerns about a student’s health or behaviour which is impacting the student and/or others and which may indicate they require support to study.…

  36. Saints Sport child wellbeing and protection

    Provides information regarding the University’s obligation to protect children who are at risk of harm, abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination or being drawn into radicalisation, with respect to the University Nursery and Saints Sport.…

  37. Saints Sport accommodation

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    This document outlines the policy and procedure relating to accommodation subsidies for individual athletes and sports representing the University.…

  38. Ill-health retirement (for members of S&LAS)

    Guidance for employees who are members of the S&LAS pension scheme who want to apply for early retirement as a result of ill-health.…

  39. Postgraduate research discount for former students

    To define the policy on discount for research students…

  40. Cycle to Work scheme

    FAQs regarding the Cycle to Work Scheme.…

  41. Capability policy: For long-term absence

    This policy may be used where an employee has been absent from work on a long-term, but not necessarily continuous basis due to ill health.…

  42. Resolution policy

    To assist those in conflict or disagreement to seek resolution using informal means.…

  43. Honorary degree guidelines

    Guidance for nomination of honorary degrees…

  44. Handbook: Agreement renewal review for collaborative programmes

    Guideline for Schools/department on Agreement renewal review for collaborative programmes…

  45. Declaration of Interests

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    Providing expectations and processes for individuals to reflect on their interests, and identify, declare and mitigate any potential conflicts of interest if and when they arise: to avoid compromising - or the perception of compromising –…

  46. Undergraduate Senate Regulations

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees.…

  47. Travel Plan

    To inform of the University’s travel plan…

  48. Capability policy – poor performance

    This policy sets out the procedure for addressing concerns around poor performance and persistent short-term absence.…

  49. UK Visas and Immigration Student Visa Compliance Statement

    This document outlines the approach that the University of St Andrews takes in managing and maintaining compliance with all Student visa requirements, and details the structures used to deliver this approach, as well as the responsibilities of the…

  50. Museums strategic plan

    To provide the strategic plan for university museums…