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25 results found for !nullquery
  1. University privacy notice: exchange of student personal data with partner institutions and other educational colloborations

    To inform students how their personal details may be exchanged with partner institution or another body collaborating with the University to provide an educational experience, and how those data will be used.…

  2. Travelling with technology

    Password protected

    Guidance for securing technology whilst travelling…

  3. Supplier remote access requirements

    Password protected

    Managing secure access to internal systems by third parties…

  4. Cyber risk levels

    Password protected

    Define the cyber risk levels that are used to describe vulnerabilities.…

  5. Vulnerability testing process

    Password protected

    Guidance on when and how systems should be tested for security vulnerabilties…

  6. Music Centre privacy notice
  7. Best practice for device connectivity

    Password protected

    Document outlining the best practice for securing devices connecting to the University network…

  8. Data centre access policy

    Password protected

    Policy to show the control of access to Unviersity data centres…

  9. Records Management Policy

    To provide direction on how University records are to be managed to preserve their value.…

  10. Maintaining the security of credit & debit card data - policy

    Password protected

    Policy to cover PCI-DSS compliance (credit / debit cards)…

  11. Access to information during periods of staff absence

    This Policy defines the circumstances under which access to information held in email and files can be made during periods of absence, for business continuity purposes.…

  12. University cyber incident and data breach management procedure

    Password protected

    Protocol for managing suspected cyber/personal data breach…

  13. Requests for personal data by the Police or a similar third party for the purposes of the prevention or detection of crime, apprehension or prosecution of offenders, or for taxation
  14. University privacy notice: student recruitment

    To advice people how their personal data are used by the University…

  15. University privacy notice: Postgraduate research students

    To advise people how their personal data are used by the University.…

  16. Electronic data destruction and media disposal policy

    Password protected

    This policy covers the destruction of electronic media that stores or has stored, University-owned data as defined within the Information Classification Policy…

  17. University information classification policy: implementation guide

    Guidance on how to implement and work with the University information classification policy…

  18. University Privacy notice: collection and use of employee personal data

    To advise people how their personal data are used by the University…

  19. University privacy notice: St Andrews online courses

    To inform people how the University collects and uses their personal data when providing digital short courser education.…

  20. Data governance policy

    The purpose of this policy is to describe the University’s approach to data governance in terms of data availability, data accessibility and data quality and to outline how clear accountability for each is managed.…