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126 results found for !nullquery
  1. Academic timetabling and room booking policy

    To define the principles, procedures and responsibilities for the construction of the University timetable and the management of teaching space and associated teaching activities.…

  2. Undergraduate senate regulations 2018-2019

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees…

  3. Postgraduate Senate Regulations 2018/19

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  4. Employability

    This strategy relates to the importance of the employability agenda and identifies how student employability can be best enhanced in a St Andrews context.…

  5. Reporting structures for interdisciplinary modules

    This procedure outlines the reporting structure for Interdisciplinary modules ID4001 (Communication and Teaching in Science) and ID4002 (Communication and Teaching in Arts & Humanities) and any other interdisciplinary modules.…

  6. Postgraduate senate regulations 2019-20

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  7. Undergraduate senate regulations 2019-2020

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees.…

  8. Undergraduate senate regulations 2020-2021

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees.…

  9. Remit of an academic misconduct officer

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    Detailing the remit of Academic Misconduct Officers and contacts within the Proctor's Office.…

  10. Setting up our shared space

    This document provides guidance on engaging in a shared online teaching space. It articulates the issues as experienced by both staff and students.…

  11. Board of adjudication: How to contribute effectively

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    Guidance for Academic Misconduct Officers and academic staff involved in the academic misconduct process.…

  12. Assessment, marking and module boards

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    Guidance for Schools on marking of continuous assessment, examinations and module boards during the Covid-19 pandemic.…

  13. Postgraduate senate regulations 2020-21

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  14. Fieldwork for postgraduate research students

    This policy relates to postgraduate research activities and outlines the approval process and the requirements and responsibilities of the University and postgraduate research students in relation to fieldwork.…

  15. Postgraduate senate regulations 2021-22

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  16. Undergraduate senate regulations 2021-2022

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees.…

  17. Setting up boards of adjudication using Teams

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    Guidance for setting up Board of Adjudication on Teams during the Covid-19 pandemic.…

  18. Guidance on post-docs as secondary supervisors

    To provide a set of criteria to be followed when assigning postdoctoral researchers as secondary supervisors of postgraduate research students.…

  19. Management of centrally controlled teaching spaces

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    This policy governs the recording of teaching spaces in the central timetabling system and the management of AV and IT equipment in those spaces.…

  20. Parental leave for postgraduate research students

    This policy relates to support available to postgraduate research students due to pregnancy or adoption of a child, and applies to students who become pregnant, partners who are pregnant and students adopting a child.…

  21. Use of videoconferencing in a Viva

    Guidelines on the use of videoconferencing equipment and software in a PGR viva examination…

  22. Undergraduate senate regulations 2022-2023

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees.…

  23. Progress review guidance

    To provide additional guidance on the structure of progress reviews and the responsibilities of everyone involved.…

  24. Postgraduate senate regulations 2022-23

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  25. Assessment of Covid-19 impacted research degrees

    This document provides guidance on the assessment of research theses that have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.…

  26. Research Skills Training

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    Policy on the provision of research skills training for postgraduate research students.…

  27. PhD by portfolio of published work (staff route)

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    Lays out the requirements and processes for staff wishing to undertake a PhD by portfolio of published work.…

  28. Education and Student Experience Strategy

    The refreshed University Strategy develops the World-leading, Diverse, and Entrepreneurial themes of our existing Strategy, and brings forward two others in an interconnected way for a fast-changing world – Sustainable and Digital.…

  29. Early release of module information Guidance for Schools

    These guidelines advise Schools on the early release of module information to students, as identified by the University's Collaboration Statement.…

  30. Illegible exam scripts

    This policy relates to the responsibility of UG and PGT students to ensure their examination scripts are legible, and how Schools should proceed in instances where examination scripts are illegible.…

  31. Credits and grade conversions for study abroad

    This policy sets out procedures relating to the acquisition and conversion of credits and grades at institutions other than St Andrews, in the course of a St Andrews degree programme.…

  32. V-Coding

    This policy explains the rationale and procedure for V-coding being applied to a student record.…

  33. Module and programme approval

    This policy relates to all proposals for new modules and new programmes.…

  34. Award of posthumous qualifications

    This policy relates to the award of a posthumous qualification in the event of a student's death.…

  35. Common reporting scale

    The Common reporting scale is a rough guide only, which describes each grade as a classification equivalent.…

  36. Final module in a PGT programme

    This policy relates to teaching, supervision and assessment of the final modules (normally 60 credits) of all Taught Postgraduate Masters programmes.…

  37. Taught postgraduate guidelines for credit, grades and awards

    These guidelines describe the credit value of modules and the module reporting scale for Postgraduate Taught Masters degrees. In addition, the guidelines include information on St Andrews GPA, Dip-down modules, reassessment and Postgraduate Diploma.…

  38. PhD by portfolio of published work (student route)

    Lays out the requirements and processes for students wishing to submit a portfolio of works prepared for publication in lieu of a thesis.…

  39. Running Boards of Adjudication

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    Procedure which should be followed when conducting/participating in a Board of Adjudication concerning academic misconduct.…

  40. Postgraduate change of registration

    This policy outlines the criteria for re-registering to a different postgraduate degree.…

  41. Feedback to students on assessed work

    This policy explains the importance and general principles of feedback on assessed coursework and examinations.…

  42. Definitions for classification, grades, marks and the 20-point scale (undergraduate and integrated Masters degrees)

    To provide definitions for classification, grades and marks using the 20-point scale.…

  43. Assessments, policies and procedures: Guidance for staff

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    Guidance concerning disclosure of personal information by students, School discretion and a key outlining the criteria for a range of possible academic adjustments.…

  44. Postgraduate Taught Senate Regulations

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate taught degrees.…

  45. Postgraduate research senate regulations

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate research degrees.…

  46. Assessment of postgraduate research students

    Details the rules and regulations governing the assessment of postgraduate research students.…

  47. Registration and induction of postgraduate research students

    Policy on the registration and induction of postgraduate research students. Includes policy on co-tutelle agreements and changes to mode of study.…

  48. Entry to honours

    This policy outlines the criteria for entry to honours.…

  49. Requests for review of decision for entry to Honours

    This policy outlines the criteria for review of the decision of refusal to entry to Honours and the process involved in requesting a review.…

  50. Take-home exams: Guidance for staff

    This document provides guidance for staff in organising Take-home exams.…