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135 results found for !nullquery
  1. Fire safety guidance for staff and students

    Compliance with legislation…

  2. Noise at work

    Policy and guidance on measurement of noise levels and how to control noise levels in the workplace…

  3. Use of generative AI - LLM

    To communicate the risks as presently understood to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of University information and personal data in the use of publicly available GenAI tools…

  4. External Examining (UG & PGT)

    This policy outlines processes and procedures relating to the role of External Examiners for taught programmes. Guidance on external examining for Postgraduate Research students is available via the Assessment of Postgraduate Research students…

  5. Health and Safety Incident Recording, Reporting and Investigation

    Password protected

    Health and Safety Guidance on reporting and investigating incidents…

  6. IRR-Risk-Assessment-HASS-Sealed-Sources

    Compliance with Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 legislation…

  7. University information classification policy: implementation guide

    Guidance on how to implement and work with the University information classification policy…

  8. Chemical and biological safety – Part 2 – Biological and genetic modification safety

    This document provides guidance on working with biological agents and genetically modified organisms…

  9. Student Academic Representation

    This policy merges role and remit of School Presidents policy with Student Staff Consultative Committees policy to include information about the Postgraduate Student Representation Structure.…

  10. Independent learning week (ILW)

    This policy relates to the principles of Independent Learning Week (ILA), activities permitted during ILA and communications with students during ILA.…

  11. Safe use of minibuses

    Guidance on the requirements for the driving and use of minibuses…

  12. IRR-Risk-Assessment-X-ray-Beam-Alignment

    Compliance with Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 legislation…

  13. IRR-Risk-Assessment-Low-Activity-Sealed-Sources

    Compliance with Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 legislation…

  14. Lifting operations and lifting equipment

    Guidance on the requirements of the lifting equipment and lifting operations regulations 1998…

  15. Employability

    This strategy relates to the importance of the employability agenda and identifies how student employability can be best enhanced in a St Andrews context.…

  16. Education and Student Experience Strategy

    The refreshed University Strategy develops the World-leading, Diverse, and Entrepreneurial themes of our existing Strategy, and brings forward two others in an interconnected way for a fast-changing world – Sustainable and Digital.…

  17. Guidance notes on drafting School/Unit safety arrangements

    Guidance to help Schools and Units drafting their local policies and procedures…

  18. Consultancy Policy

    The policy seeks to define what should be considered as consultancy and encourage this activity within a supported environment and with relevant agreements.…

  19. IRR-Risk-Assessment-For-Work-With-X-rays

    Compliance with Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 legislation…

  20. University information classification policy

    Define how people should respond to protective markings when accessing, handling, storing, transmitting and disposing of information or data that is protectively marked…

  21. Academic timetabling and room booking policy

    To define the principles, procedures and responsibilities for the construction of the University timetable and the management of teaching space and associated teaching activities.…

  22. Principles for the use of indicators in research assessment and management

    Provide a set of principles for how to use quantitative and qualitative indicators responsibly when assessing and managing research.…

  23. Brand - University of St Andrews

    University of St Andrews brand. The University is committed to ensuring that its visual and design identity is presented in a clear and consistent manner across all print and digital publications. Browse by category. Academic poster templates are…

  24. Illegible exam scripts

    This policy relates to the responsibility of UG and PGT students to ensure their examination scripts are legible, and how Schools should proceed in instances where examination scripts are illegible.…

  25. Use of recording devices by students in lectures and other learning and teaching activities

    This policy relates to the recording of lectures by students for personal use.…

  26. Policy and guidance on the safe storage and handling of cryogenic materials

    Password protected

    Provide guidance on the safe use and storage of cryogenic materials. It also provides guidance on the controls needed for the use of such materials…

  27. Guidance on hazardous waste disposal and recycling of wastes

    Guidance on the procedures for the disposal of hazardous wastes and recycling other types of waste (2012)…

  28. Chemical and biological safety – part 1 – guidance on chemical safety

    Provide guidance on protection against hazardous chemicals and also to ensure compliance with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and also the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002…

  29. Guidance on the health and safety aspects of young people at work

    Guidance on the actions to be taken when staff work with young persons (2008 version)…

  30. UAS Operating Safety Case

    Password protected

    This manual describes the organisation, aircraft systems, personnel, flight operations and procedures the University must follow to undertake Small Unmanned Aircraft operations…

  31. Policy and guidance on work with lasers and high powered artificial optical radiation

    Password protected

    To ensure compliance with the ‘Control of of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010…

  32. Progress review guidance

    To provide additional guidance on the structure of progress reviews and the responsibilities of everyone involved.…

  33. Social media guidelines - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    Social media guidelines. The University of St Andrews recognises social media as an opportunity to promote education, research and academic freedom, and to make the St Andrews community and its ideas accessible to the wider world. Many people now…

  34. Guidance on workplace inspections

    This is the University Local Rules in compliance with legislation. This document also provides detailed guidance on radiation safety.…

  35. Safeguarding of children, vulnerable adults and prevention of radicalisation

    Provides information to employees regarding the University’s obligation to protect children and vulnerable adults who are at risk of harm, abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination or being drawn into terrorism through radicalisation.…

  36. Advertising in the Library

    This describes how staff and students can advertise events, etc, throughout the Library estate.…

  37. Digital content policy - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    Digital content policy. The pages in this section detail the standards and management procedures for content on the University of St Andrews website. Any member of staff working on the University website must adhere to this policy. All content on…

  38. House style - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    House style. This house style should be used for all University communications (both web and print). If you have any comments or suggestions for additional information to be included, please contact the Digital Communications team…

  39. Setting up our shared space

    This document provides guidance on engaging in a shared online teaching space. It articulates the issues as experienced by both staff and students.…

  40. Code standards - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    Code style and standards guides. Coding standards are a set of guidelines, best practices, programming styles and conventions that developers follow when writing source code for a project. Developers should follow these standards in order to, among…

  41. Regulation of curriculum changes to comply with Consumer Protection Legislation (CPL) Guidance

    This guidance outlines dates and processes in relation to timely communications of curricular changes to current students and applications to ensure that the University comply with Consumer Protection Legislation (2014).…

  42. Intellectual Property Policy

    To provide guidance on the University’s approach to the protection and exploitation of Intellectual Property.…

  43. Accessibility - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    Accessibility. The University of St Andrews is committed to making the University website accessible to all. To do this, web pages and apps must meet the international Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA accessibility standard.…

  44. Travel and fieldwork policy

    Establishes a travel and fieldwork risk assessment process that applies to staff and students representing the University who engage in travel and/or fieldwork.…

  45. Investigation

    This document confirms the process to be followed when an investigation is required.…

  46. Copyright overview

    This guide helps you to understand copyright and its relevance to your work and study at the University of St Andrews.…

  47. Search policy - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    Search policy. This policy applies to the use of Funnelback, the University search engine. Funnelback is provided by a third-party company, Squiz. This policy applies where Funnelback is used, such as the main University search. Funnelback only…

  48. Copyright and theses

    This guide is intended to help you navigate copyright issues relating to writing and submitting your thesis…

  49. Image standards - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    Image standards. This information is for University staff and students who are producing and publishing images intended for use on the University of St Andrews website, social media channels, or other online sources. Technical specifications. Open…

  50. S-coding

    This policy provides all information relating to S-coding and the process to be followed.…