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17 results found for !nullquery
  1. Research data management policy

    Detailing the University’s approach to managing research data throughout the research process and sharing research data as widely as possible for the benefit of all, subject to legal, ethical and commercial constraints.…

  2. Unit Financial Framework

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    To set out the financial framework that units can operate within in order to support their strategic ambition.…

  3. Research Misconduct Policy

    To provide a definition of research misconduct and the principles guiding the handling and investigation of allegations of research misconduct relating to research conducted under the auspices of the University.…

  4. Research Misconduct Policy Annexe

    To provide a procedural framework for investigating allegations of research misconduct relating to research conducted under the auspices of the University.…

  5. Copyright for researchers

    This document helps you understand how to navigate copyright and related rights when undertaking your research.…

  6. Principles of Good Research Conduct

    To define the expectations regarding good research conduct that the University places on individuals conducting research under its auspices, in the form of a set of overarching principles.…

  7. RDS: FAQs for the reviewee

    Frequently asked questions regarding the RDS process (for the reviewee)…

  8. RDS: FAQs for the reviewer

    Frequently asked questions regarding the RDS process (for the reviewer)…

  9. URLT Handbook for units

    Guidance for units regarding the University-led reviews of learning and teaching.…

  10. Review and development scheme (RDS) for Professional staff

    Outlines the procedure to manage the annual performance and development review for support staff.…

  11. Postgraduate Taught Senate Regulations

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate taught degrees.…

  12. Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOI) for Research Funded by the Public Health Services of the United States of America Department of Health and Human Services

    To identify, declare, manage and enforce financial conflicts of interest of researchers responsible for the responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of projects applying for, or in receipt of, funding from the United States Public Health…

  13. Final module in a PGT programme

    This policy relates to teaching, supervision and assessment of the final modules (normally 60 credits) of all Taught Postgraduate Masters programmes.…

  14. URLT Handbook for units

    Guidance for units regarding the University-led reviews of learning and teaching.…

  15. Taught postgraduate guidelines for credit, grades and awards

    These guidelines describe the credit value of modules and the module reporting scale for Postgraduate Taught Masters degrees. In addition, the guidelines include information on St Andrews GPA, Dip-down modules, reassessment and Postgraduate Diploma.…

  16. Code of practice for the employment and management of research staff

    This guidance sets out the expectations for the employment and management of research staff at the University.…

  17. Data centre access policy

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    Policy to show the control of access to Unviersity data centres…