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25 results found for !nullquery
  1. Changes to studies

    This policy relates to requests from students to change registered modules or their degree programme.…

  2. Early academic intervention

    This policy relates to academic interventions at overall degree programme level which aims to help students recognise when their academic progress may be at risk.…

  3. S-coding guidance

    This guidance is intended to help students understand the effects of S-coding and should be read in conjunction with the policy on S-coding.…

  4. S-coding

    This policy provides all information relating to S-coding and the process to be followed.…

  5. Academic alerts (student guidance)

    This guidance outlines the issues and support available to students in relation to academic alerts and should be read in conjunction with the Policy on Academic Alerts.…

  6. Length of study and associated fees for postgraduate research students

    This policy lays out the study periods for all postgraduate research degrees, including periods of continuation and extension. It includes the process for requesting an extension.…

  7. Extenuating circumstances

    This policy provides a clear definition of what the University considers to be extenuating circumstances and the sources of evidence required to substantiate claims affecting academic performance and engagement.…

  8. Discounted time for postgraduate research students

    This policy details when a student may request discounted time, the process for submitting a request and the evidence required.…

  9. Academic flexibility for students with recognised sporting talent

    This policy outlines ways in which an element of flexibility can be given to those students in receipt of sporting scholarships, referred to in this policy, to allow them to compete at the highest level in their sport.…

  10. Support to study

    This policy relates to serious concerns about a student’s health or behaviour which is impacting the student and/or others and which may indicate they require support to study.…