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7 results found for !nullquery
  1. Biodiversity Policy

    Password protected

    To inform staff of the University's Biodiversity Policy…

  2. Workplace coaching policy

    Password protected

    To inform University staff about the terms and process for participation in the institutional workplace coaching programme as a coachee and to set out both standards and process for participation as a coach.…

  3. Undergraduate senate regulations 2020-2021

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees.…

  4. Undergraduate senate regulations 2019-2020

    Senate regulations governing all undergraduate degrees.…

  5. Fixed term contracts – briefing paper for the principal investigators and line managers

    High level overview of the procedure for line managers and PI's to follow when a fixed term contract expires.…

  6. Bridging fund

    Procedure for Head of Schools/Units or PI’s or Line Managers to request funding to bridge payment between grant outcomes.…

  7. Access to information during periods of staff absence

    This Policy defines the circumstances under which access to information held in email and files can be made during periods of absence, for business continuity purposes.…