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136 results found for !nullquery
  1. Sports clubs events guidance

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    This document provides guidance for sports clubs wishing to run events on University property or at external venues.…

  2. Student-academic-appeals

    Document outlining process for student academic appeals…

  3. Student Conduct Risk Management Policy

    To review concerns regarding student conduct, assessing risk and taking any necessary precautionary action for the protection of the University community…

  4. Overarching Senate Regulations

    Overarching Senate Regulations which apply to all students at the University of St Andrews.…

  5. Saints Sport health and safety

    Information and compliance…

  6. Honour Code

    The Honour Code is a statement that establishes the standards, behaviour and academic integrity expected of all matriculated students who form part of the academic community at the University of St Andrews. All students must agree to abide by and…

  7. Further particulars of offers

    Provide statements of clarification on the St Andrews approach to providing degree and module information; curriculum review, teaching and learning; and fee setting.…

  8. Policy on Certificate of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Issuing

    This policy sets out the governance for the issue of certificate of acceptance for studies.…

  9. Terms and Conditions of Study, August 2024

    Policy sets out the terms and conditions for all students in the university.…

  10. Scholarships policy – for entry 2024/5

    This policy outlines the principles within which the University of St Andrews communicates awards and administers scholarships and bursaries.…

  11. Awards General Terms and Conditions

    The following terms and conditions apply to all University of St Andrews scholarships, prizes, bursaries and awards (collectively "Awards").…

  12. Music Centre terms and conditions

    Terms and conditions for accessing service provided by the Music Centre…

  13. Saints Sport First Aid Policy

    Information and Compliance…

  14. Academic adjustments for disabled students Guidance for students

    This guidance provides students with practical information on procedures for declaring a disability and the kind of reasonable adjustments which are available on a case-by-case basis.…

  15. UK Visas and Immigration Student Visa Compliance Statement

    This document outlines the approach that the University of St Andrews takes in managing and maintaining compliance with all Student visa requirements, and details the structures used to deliver this approach, as well as the responsibilities of the…

  16. Monitoring Student Visas for UKVI Compliance Purposes: Principles of Engagement Management

    The University of St Andrews is required to ensure that the engagement of all Student visa holders is monitored for the purposes of compliance under the Student Route.…

  17. Fee setting

    To outline the procedure for setting tuition fees…

  18. Fee status policy

    To define University policy on fee status assessment…

  19. Failure to matriculate

    The policy explains the process and implications of failure to matriculate…

  20. Staff fees policy

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    To define university policy on staff fees…

  21. Tuition fee liability policy

    To define university policy on tuition fee liability…

  22. university Nursery Terms and Conditions

    This document outlines the terms and conditions of use for the University of St Andrews Nursery.…

  23. Student Conduct Policy

    This Policy deals with judgements against students in relation to non-academic misconduct and disciplinary matters…

  24. Location of studies

    This policy relates to the expectation that all students reside at a term address within a commutable distance. The policy excludes Distance Learning students.…

  25. Academic adjustments for disabled students

    This policy outlines the processes and procedures through which disabled students can request reasonable academic adjustments to both teaching and assessment.…

  26. Examinations policy

    This policy governs all University examinations and students are advised to read and understand these Rules before sitting examinations.…

  27. Running Boards of Adjudication

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    Procedure which should be followed when conducting/participating in a Board of Adjudication concerning academic misconduct.…

  28. Admissions policy

    This policy describes the criteria and policy approach to reviewing an application for admission to the University of St Andrews.…

  29. Assessment: marking and standard setting

    This policy relates to the formal processes involved in assessment and serves to amplify and clarify details of the procedures surrounding marking.…

  30. Support to study

    This policy relates to serious concerns about a student’s health or behaviour which is impacting the student and/or others and which may indicate they require support to study.…

  31. FAQs for the reviewee

    Frequently asked questions regarding the ARDS for the reviewee.…

  32. Leave of Absence, Re-engagement and Withdrawal

    This policy outlines and addresses the conditions and processes through which students can take Leave of Absence, re-engage with their studies following a period of temporary absence, or to cease attending the University through a process of…

  33. Interdisciplinary PGR checklist

    This document sets out a list of issues to consider in arranging an interdisciplinary PGR project…

  34. Saints Sport child wellbeing and protection

    Provides information regarding the University’s obligation to protect children who are at risk of harm, abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination or being drawn into radicalisation, with respect to the University Nursery and Saints Sport.…

  35. Academic review and development

    Outlines the procedure to manage the annual performance and development review for academic employees.…

  36. Junior Saints terms and conditions

    Junior Saints classes, camps, and services.…

  37. Administering Medication (Junior Saints)

    Management of medication at Junior Saints Classes and Camps…

  38. Appointment overview and terms & conditions

    Appointments offered by the Careers Centre, when they are available and how to book; expectations for students, graduates or staff members, including what they will be provided with at the appointment and how they should act before, during and after…

  39. University funded research impact leave for academic staff

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    The purpose of this policy is to support and enable academic staff to further their research, leading to the highest quality of research outputs and/or significant impact in the wider community.…

  40. Statement of Service

    This policy describes the Careers Centre’s purpose, aim, and values; defines user eligibility and explains our goals in respect of students, graduates, employers, Careers Centre staff, the University and all other interested parties.…

  41. Process for transition from fellowship

    This document confirms the process from Fellowship to a standard appointment (usually as Lecturer or Reader).…

  42. Use of captured content – Guidance for students

    This document provides supplementary guidance for students to the Policy on the Use of Captured Content.…

  43. Pay rates and arrangements for hourly paid teaching staff (including PGR tutors)

    Information on employees who are paid hourly rates for teaching.…

  44. Saints Sport terms and conditions

    This document outlines the terms and conditions of use for the University sports facilities and all Saints Sport services…

  45. University gyms - conditions of use

    This document outlines the conditions of use for the University gyms at Saints Sport and Walter Bower House.…

  46. Junior Saints late collection policy

    Ensure safeguarding process of late collection are followed correctly.…

  47. Fairtrade policy

    University of St Andrews is committed to sustainable purchasing and to supporting Fairtrade…

  48. Vacancy advertising – information for students

    Introduction and Disclaimer to students and graduates using the jobs portal on CareerConnect.…

  49. Vacancy advertising – information for employers

    This document outlines the basis for the working relationship between the Careers Centre and employers/organisations and sets out the terms and conditions under which our vacancy advertising service is offered.…

  50. University Nursery Terms and Conditions

    This document outlines the terms and conditions of use for the University of St Andrews Nursery.…