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45 results found for !nullquery
  1. Museums strategic plan

    To provide the strategic plan for university museums…

  2. Saints Sport sports camps terms and conditions

    Information and compliance…

  3. Admissions-policy

    The Admissions policy is a governance document that covers all relevant aspects of the application process to allow all applicants from all cohorts to clearly understand the parameters within which they are applying ensuring fairness…

  4. Collections development policy

    This is a Policy Statement regulating the acquisition and disposal of items for the Museums Collections, University of St Andrews…

  5. Using University Buildings Safely

    Password protected

    Guidance for University staff and students during a gradual return to University buildings…

  6. Learning and access policy

    Museums policy to set out aims for making Museums of the University of St Andrews’ activities and collections accessible to all, working to understand our audiences and remove barriers to make participation as easy and enjoyable as possible.…

  7. Cycle parking regulations

    Password protected

    To advise Staff and Students on the cycle regulations of the University…

  8. Cycle strategy 2017-2027

    Password protected

    Evidence based framework for undertaking action to encourage cycling…

  9. Ladder Safety

    Guidance on safe use of ladders and stepladders…

  10. Policy on dealing with abusive, persistent or vexatious complaints and complainants

    To ensure that access to the Complaints Handling Procedure is reasonably available, and that the University’s ability to provide services is not unduly degraded, through unacceptable behaviour and/or vexatious use.…

  11. University of St Andrews libraries’ core collections policy

    To inform on the principles on which the collections are acquired and managed, and also to set realistic expectations of what the Libraries are able to deliver.…

  12. Fire safety policy

    Compliance with legislation…

  13. Work at height

    Guidance on safe working at height (2012)…

  14. University guidance for electrical safety

    Rules for the use of electrical systems…

  15. Incident, Accident and Near Miss Investigation Form


  16. Diving rules - Scientific and archaeological diving projects

    Rules for undertaking underwater diving work activities…

  17. Guidance on the use of the COSHH risk management programme CHARM

    Guidance on the use of the COSHH risk assessment programme…

  18. Protection of children, young people and vulnerable adutls

    This document has been drawn up in line with the University’s own policy for the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults, but amended to reflect sport.…

  19. General Risk Assessment Policy

    Compliance with legislation…

  20. Risk Assessment Form Template

    Risk assessment form template…