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38 results found for !nullquery
  1. V-Coding

    This policy explains the rationale and procedure for V-coding being applied to a student record.…

  2. Entry to honours

    This policy outlines the criteria for entry to honours.…

  3. Workload Guiding Principles

    This guidance outlines the basic principles that should be followed when constructing a workload model and when allocating workload to staff within the model.…

  4. Postgraduate research senate regulations

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate research degrees.…

  5. Postgraduate Taught Senate Regulations

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate taught degrees.…

  6. Fitness to practise medicine policy

    The GMC mandates each university with a medical School have an FtP policy applicable to medical students.…

  7. Classification policy

    This policy explains which degrees are classified and the classification algorithm used for each classified degree.…

  8. Assessment of postgraduate research students

    Details the rules and regulations governing the assessment of postgraduate research students.…

  9. Student absence

    This policy relates to student absence and includes the definition of absence, working periods, self-certificates of absence, timing, procedures for responding to self-certificate of absence, incomplete module assessment and documentary evidence…

  10. Module and programme approval

    This policy relates to all proposals for new modules and new programmes.…

  11. Postgraduate change of registration

    This policy outlines the criteria for re-registering to a different postgraduate degree.…

  12. Research Skills Training

    Password protected

    Policy on the provision of research skills training for postgraduate research students.…

  13. Award of posthumous qualifications

    This policy relates to the award of a posthumous qualification in the event of a student's death.…

  14. Global online year one (GOYO): Policy and regulations

    This document details the arrangements and regulations that apply to the Global Online Year One (GOYO) Programme.…

  15. Common reporting scale

    The Common reporting scale is a rough guide only, which describes each grade as a classification equivalent.…

  16. Doctoral students who teach

    This policy outlines the requirements of Schools in selecting and supporting postgraduate teachers and other hourly-paid teaching staff.…

  17. Running Boards of Adjudication

    Password protected

    Procedure which should be followed when conducting/participating in a Board of Adjudication concerning academic misconduct.…

  18. External Examiner guidance: Sharing undergraduate and postgraduate external examiner reports

    This document provides guidance to External Examiners, School/department staff and students on sharing External Examiner annual reports.…

  19. Academic alerts (staff guidance)

    Password protected

    This guidance gives supplementary information to staff on the use of the Academic Alerts system and is to be used in conjunction with the Policy on Academic Alerts.…

  20. Registration and induction of postgraduate research students

    Policy on the registration and induction of postgraduate research students. Includes policy on co-tutelle agreements and changes to mode of study.…