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6 results found for !nullquery
  1. HR policy approval

    Password protected

    Sets out the procedure to be followed when reviewing HR-related documentation including, polices, procedures and guidance notes.…

  2. FAQs for the reviewer

    Frequently asked questions regarding the ARDS for the reviewee.…

  3. Smoke free policy

    Provides information on the Universities obligation to be a smoke free organisation and provides support and advice on how to stop smoking.…

  4. Framework agreement

    This paper details the agreement reached between the University of St Andrews, AMICUS, UCU, and UNISON on Assimilation Principles for the new 52-point scale.…

  5. University funded (paid) Education Development Leave for academic staff

    To support academic staff to develop new educational strategic projects or substantially new degree programmes, or to explore new methods and philosophies of teaching.…

  6. Declaration of Interests

    Password protected

    Providing expectations and processes for individuals to reflect on their interests, and identify, declare and mitigate any potential conflicts of interest if and when they arise: to avoid compromising - or the perception of compromising –…