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184 results found for !nullquery
  1. Learning and access policy 2023-25

    Password protected

    Museums policy to set out aims for making Museums of the University of St Andrews’ activities and collections accessible to all, working to understand our audiences and remove barriers to make participation as easy and enjoyable as possible.…

  2. External Examiner guidance: Sharing undergraduate and postgraduate external examiner reports

    This document provides guidance to External Examiners, School/department staff and students on sharing External Examiner annual reports.…

  3. Incident, Accident and Near Miss Investigation Form


  4. New and expectant mothers guidance

    Guidance on the precautions for new and expectant mothers…

  5. University privacy notice: St Andrews online courses

    To inform people how the University collects and uses their personal data when providing digital short courser education.…

  6. risk-management-policy

    Password protected

    Risk management…

  7. Module and programme approval

    This policy relates to all proposals for new modules and new programmes.…

  8. University privacy notice: University Ahtletic Union - affiliated sports club memberships

    This document outlines how the personal data of Athletic Union Club members is collected and used and shared.…

  9. Education and Student Experience Strategy

    The refreshed University Strategy develops the World-leading, Diverse, and Entrepreneurial themes of our existing Strategy, and brings forward two others in an interconnected way for a fast-changing world – Sustainable and Digital.…

  10. Music Centre privacy notice
  11. Control of legionella risk in water systems

    Policy statement and outline management and operational arrangement for controlling legionella risk across University Estate…

  12. The selection, use and maintenance of personal protective equipment (PPE)

    Guidance on the selection, use and maintenance of personal protective equipment…

  13. Local rules and guidance on the use of ionising radiations

    Password protected

    Policy, local rules for work with ionsing radiations, radioactivity and X-rays…

  14. Student Academic Representation

    This policy merges role and remit of School Presidents policy with Student Staff Consultative Committees policy to include information about the Postgraduate Student Representation Structure.…

  15. Chemical and biological safety – part 1 – guidance on chemical safety

    Provide guidance on protection against hazardous chemicals and also to ensure compliance with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and also the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002…

  16. Chemical and biological safety – Part 2 – Biological and genetic modification safety

    This document provides guidance on working with biological agents and genetically modified organisms…

  17. University privacy notice: University Sports Centre - Saints Sport membership

    This document outlines how the personal data of University Sports Centre members is collected and used and shared.…

  18. Noise at work

    Policy and guidance on measurement of noise levels and how to control noise levels in the workplace…

  19. General Risk Assessment Policy

    Compliance with legislation…

  20. IRR-Risk-Assessment-Radon

    Compliance with Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 legislation…