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11 results found for !nullquery
  1. Interdisciplinary PGR checklist

    This document sets out a list of issues to consider in arranging an interdisciplinary PGR project…

  2. Workload Guiding Principles

    This guidance outlines the basic principles that should be followed when constructing a workload model and when allocating workload to staff within the model.…

  3. Postgraduate senate regulations 2022-23

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  4. Running Boards of Adjudication

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    Procedure which should be followed when conducting/participating in a Board of Adjudication concerning academic misconduct.…

  5. Postgraduate senate regulations 2021-22

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  6. Postgraduate senate regulations 2020-21

    Senate regulations governing all postgraduate degrees.…

  7. Board of adjudication: How to contribute effectively

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    Guidance for Academic Misconduct Officers and academic staff involved in the academic misconduct process.…

  8. Running Boards of Adjudication

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    Procedure which should be followed when conducting/participating in a Board of Adjudication concerning academic misconduct.…

  9. Remit of an academic misconduct officer

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    Detailing the remit of Academic Misconduct Officers and contacts within the Proctor's Office.…

  10. Setting up boards of adjudication using Teams

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    Guidance for setting up Board of Adjudication on Teams during the Covid-19 pandemic.…

  11. Role of the careers link in academic schools and departments

    Guidance outlining the role of the Careers Link in Schools and Departments including purpose of the role, role responsibilities, desirable attributes for the role and the benefits for Schools and students.…