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  1. Code of Student Conduct

    This Code of Student Conduct sets out the types and examples of misconduct which may warrant disciplinary action under the University's Non-Academic Misconduct Policy.…

  2. Admissions-policy

    The Admissions policy is a governance document that covers all relevant aspects of the application process to allow all applicants from all cohorts to clearly understand the parameters within which they are applying and ensure…

  3. Admissions policy 2019-2020

    The Admissions policy is a governance document that covers all relevant aspects of the application process to allow all applicants from all cohorts to clearly understand the parameters within which they are applying.…

  4. Exchange and study abroad student policy

    This document details the University of St Andrews’ policy on the admission and registration of non-graduating exchange and study abroad students to undergraduate, taught postgraduate and postgraduate research programmes.…

  5. Scholarships policy – for entry 2023/24

    This policy outlines the principles within which the University of St Andrews communicates, awards and administers scholarships and bursaries.…

  6. Student Conduct Risk Management Policy

    To review concerns regarding student conduct, assessing risk and taking any necessary precautionary action for the protection of the University community.…

  7. Student Conduct Risk Management Policy

    To review concerns regarding student conduct, assessing risk and taking any necessary precautionary action.…

  8. Non-Academic Misconduct Policy and Code of Student Conduct

    This Policy deals with judgements against students in relation to non-academic misconduct and disciplinary matters…

  9. Tuition fee policy for the children of employees

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    To define university policy on the fee rate for children of employees…

  10. Policy on Certificate of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Issuing

    This policy sets out the governance for the issue of certificate of acceptance for studies.…