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67 results found for !nullquery
  1. Fee setting

    To outline the procedure for setting tuition fees…

  2. Fee status policy

    To define University policy on fee status assessment…

  3. Failure to matriculate

    The policy explains the process and implications of failure to matriculate…

  4. Student-academic-appeals

    Document outlining process for student academic appeals…

  5. Staff fees policy

    Password protected

    To define university policy on staff fees…

  6. Tuition fee liability policy

    To define university policy on tuition fee liability…

  7. Postgraduate research discount for former students

    To define the policy on discount for research students…

  8. Performance sport expected bahaviours

    Password protected

    This document outlines the performance characteristics required to be a student athlete…

  9. Admissions policy

    A policy document that informs prospective students and their influencers how the University will review their application, what is required and policy procedure guidance on what to do in certain instances related to applying to study at the…

  10. Copyright for students

    When studying at the University of St Andrews you'll be using and creating works protected by copyright. This page gives you the general information you need to help you in your studies and future career.…

  11. Honour Code

    The Honour Code is a statement that establishes the standards, behaviour and academic integrity expected of all matriculated students who form part of the academic community at the University of St Andrews. All students must agree to abide by and…

  12. Appointment overview and terms & conditions

    Appointments offered by the Careers Centre, when they are available and how to book; expectations for students, graduates or staff members, including what they will be provided with at the appointment and how they should act before, during and after…

  13. Saints Sport accommodation

    Password protected

    This document outlines the policy and procedure relating to accommodation subsidies for individual athletes and sports representing the University.…

  14. Classification policy

    This policy explains which degrees are classified and the classification algorithm used for each classified degree.…

  15. Use of captured content – Guidance for students

    This document provides supplementary guidance for students to the Policy on the Use of Captured Content.…

  16. Learning and access policy

    Museums policy to set out aims for making Museums of the University of St Andrews’ activities and collections accessible to all, working to understand our audiences and remove barriers to make participation as easy and enjoyable as possible.…

  17. Code of Student Conduct

    This Code of Student Conduct sets out the types and examples of misconduct which may warrant disciplinary action under the University's Non-Academic Misconduct Policy.…

  18. Careers Centre Strategic Plan 2021-2024

    The Careers Centre’s purpose, aspirations, values, and approach. This document also supports five distinct themes in the overall University Strategy: world- leading, diverse, entrepreneurial, global and social responsibility.…

  19. Admissions policy 2019-2020

    The Admissions policy is a governance document that covers all relevant aspects of the application process to allow all applicants from all cohorts to clearly understand the parameters within which they are applying.…

  20. Exchange and study abroad student policy

    This document details the University of St Andrews’ policy on the admission and registration of non-graduating exchange and study abroad students to undergraduate, taught postgraduate and postgraduate research programmes.…