Document search

206 results found for !nullquery
  1. Pronoun guidance

    To provide guidance to staff and students about using pronouns…

  2. Code of Student Conduct

    This Code of Student Conduct sets out the types and examples of misconduct which may warrant disciplinary action under the University's Non-Academic Misconduct Policy.…

  3. Physical security policy

    Password protected

    This Policy will outline the approach of the University to ensure, as far as is reasonably practical, the personal safety and security of all students, staff, visitors and contributors across the University estate and University assets.…

  4. Language correction

    This policy provides guidance for students and staff on language correction and proof-reading services.…

  5. Cycle parking regulations

    Password protected

    To advise Staff and Students on the cycle regulations of the University…

  6. Use of captured content – Guidance for students

    This document provides supplementary guidance for students to the Policy on the Use of Captured Content.…

  7. Ladder Safety

    Guidance on safe use of ladders and stepladders…

  8. St Andrews LLM guide

    Password protected

    This document presents guidance about Generative AI technologies in learning and teaching. It explains how large language models work, and provides a framework for good assessment design.…

  9. Employers-liability-certificate

    Certificate of Employers liability Insurance…

  10. Cycle strategy 2017-2027

    Password protected

    Evidence based framework for undertaking action to encourage cycling…