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72 results found for !nullquery
  1. Regulations governing the use of University information and communications technology (ICT) facilities

    To communicate the conditions of access to ICT facilities provided by or through the University, and to establish what is/is not acceptable use of those facilities.…

  2. Consultancy Policy

    The policy seeks to define what should be considered as consultancy and encourage this activity within a supported environment and with relevant agreements.…

  3. HR policy approval

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    Sets out the procedure to be followed when reviewing HR-related documentation including, polices, procedures and guidance notes.…

  4. Copyright overview

    This guide helps you to understand copyright and its relevance to your work and study at the University of St Andrews.…

  5. Copyright and theses

    This guide is intended to help you navigate copyright issues relating to writing and submitting your thesis…

  6. Intellectual Property Policy

    To provide guidance on the University’s approach to the protection and exploitation of Intellectual Property.…

  7. Copyright for students

    When studying at the University of St Andrews you'll be using and creating works protected by copyright. This page gives you the general information you need to help you in your studies and future career.…

  8. Travel Plan

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    To inform staff of the University’s travel plan…

  9. Declaration of Interests

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    Providing expectations and processes for individuals to reflect on their interests, and identify, declare and mitigate any potential conflicts of interest if and when they arise: to avoid compromising - or the perception of compromising –…

  10. Travel Plan

    To inform of the University’s travel plan…

  11. Museums strategic plan

    To provide the strategic plan for university museums…

  12. Disciplinary

    To be referred to in cases where there are possible issues of misconduct.…

  13. Overtime policy

    Provide guidance to managers and employees on the operation of overtime.…

  14. Collections care and conservation policy


  15. Child Protection Policy (Nursery)

    This document has been drawn to ensure the safety of all children and to ensure the correct documentation is being used.…

  16. University funded (paid) Education Development Leave for academic staff

    To support academic staff to develop new educational strategic projects or substantially new degree programmes, or to explore new methods and philosophies of teaching.…

  17. Smoke free policy

    Provides information on the Universities obligation to be a smoke free organisation and provides support and advice on how to stop smoking.…

  18. Guidance for Investigation Managers

    Guidance for Investigation Managers to…

  19. Learning and access policy 2021-23

    Museums policy to set out aims for making Museums of the University of St Andrews’ activities and collections accessible to all, working to understand our audiences and remove barriers to make participation as easy and enjoyable as possible.…

  20. Investigation: Meeting Format

    Guidance for Investigation Managers to outline the recommended meeting format.…

  21. Framework agreement

    This paper details the agreement reached between the University of St Andrews, AMICUS, UCU, and UNISON on Assimilation Principles for the new 52-point scale.…

  22. Saints Sport conduct

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    Purpose This document outlines the conduct policy and disciplinary procedures for clubs and individuals affiliated to the Athletic Union…

  23. Security Incident and Crime Reporting

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    A procedure on incident reporting for staff and students…

  24. Nappy Changing Policy (Nursery)

    This document has been drawn to ensure the correct procedure for nappy changing of children is followed within a nursery setting.…

  25. Physical security policy

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    This Policy will outline the approach of the University to ensure, as far as is reasonably practical, the personal safety and security of all students, staff, visitors and contributors across the University estate and University assets.…

  26. Disciplinary Hearing Panel: Guidance

    Guidance for the disciplinary panel to conduct the disciplinary process from preparation through to conclusion.…

  27. Code of Student Conduct

    This Code of Student Conduct sets out the types and examples of misconduct which may warrant disciplinary action under the University's Non-Academic Misconduct Policy.…

  28. Special Collections public task statement

    This describes for the purposes of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015, Special Collections considers its "public task" to be providing education to, and facilitating research by, students, staff and members of the public.…

  29. Pets in accommodation

    To set out the policy on pets in accommodation and the requirements on assistance dogs…

  30. Gift Acceptance Policy

    This policy sets out the principles that the University will follow when seeking and accepting charitable gifts from individuals, charitable trusts and other corporate bodies, and the commitments that it makes to donors and prospective donors.…

  31. Sustainability development policy

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    To inform staff/students of the University's Sustainable Development Policy…

  32. Failure to pay (students)

    To provide information and guidance on the responsibilities that students have regarding payment of any fees and charges due to the University, the procedures that will be followed should payment not be made, and the consequences of non-payment.…

  33. Universities & Colleges Climate Commitment for Scotland

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    To inform staff of the University's commitment to Climate…

  34. List of unacceptable conduct examples

    List of examples that the University deems as unacceptable conduct.…

  35. FAQs for the reviewer

    Frequently asked questions regarding the ARDS for the reviewee.…

  36. Saints Sport Awards regulations

    This document outlines the regulations for the annual Saints Sport Awards.…

  37. Copyright for researchers

    This document helps you understand how to navigate copyright and related rights when undertaking your research.…

  38. Sickness absence policy

    Outlines the procedure for the management of sickness absence within the University.…

  39. Scholarships policy – for entry 2023/24

    This policy outlines the principles within which the University of St Andrews communicates, awards and administers scholarships and bursaries.…

  40. Biodiversity policy

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    To inform staff of the University’s Biodiversity Policy…

  41. Management of Medication (Nursery)

    This document has been drawn to ensure the safe management of medication of children within the nursery.…

  42. Guidance on post-docs as secondary supervisors

    To provide a set of criteria to be followed when assigning postdoctoral researchers as secondary supervisors of postgraduate research students.…

  43. Employers-liability-certificate

    Certificate of Employers liability Insurance…

  44. Discounted time for postgraduate research students

    This policy details when a student may request discounted time, the process for submitting a request and the evidence required.…

  45. Location of studies

    This policy relates to the expectation that all students reside at a term address within a commutable distance. The policy excludes Distance Learning students.…

  46. collections-development-policy-university- collections

    Policy statement regulating the acquisition and disposal of items for museum and special collections…

  47. Control of legionella risk – technical guidance

    This document supports the Control of Legionella Policy document, expanding the management and operational arrangements sections with more comprehensive details of the standards to be achieved.…

  48. Examinations policy

    This policy governs all University examinations and students are advised to read and understand these Rules before sitting examinations.…

  49. Student Conduct Risk Management Policy

    To review concerns regarding student conduct, assessing risk and taking any necessary precautionary action.…

  50. University Privacy notice: collection and use of employee personal data

    To advise people how their personal data are used by the University…