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156 results found for !nullquery
  1. Salary sacrifice

    Guidance on Salary Sacrifice for employees in the USS and S&LAS Pension Schemes.…

  2. Data and telecom cabling specification

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    Standards for data and telecom cabling…

  3. Visitors from overseas guidance

    Immigration guidance for overseas visitors…

  4. Business Transformation Policy

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    To support prioritisation and delivery of complex change iinitiatives…

  5. Estates health and Safety Policy

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    This policy document sets out the estates department's health and safety policy statement, and the organisational and managerial arrangements necessary to deliver it…

  6. Sickness absence policy

    Outlines the procedure for the management of sickness absence within the University.…

  7. Maternity leave

    Provides information regarding the University’s Maternity offering and procedures.…

  8. Sustainability Investments Policy

    To set out the investment strategy for, and the use of endowment funds which have been permanently endowed to the University for both specific and general purposes.…

  9. Capability policy – poor performance

    This policy sets out the procedure for addressing concerns around poor performance and persistent short-term absence.…

  10. Home workspace equipment policy

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    This policy covers the provision of equipment to enable employees to work effectively from their home residence, either as part of a hybrid working arrangement, or during periods of enforced home working.…