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223 results found for !nullquery
  1. Supplier remote access requirements

    Password protected

    Managing secure access to internal systems by third parties…

  2. Bridging fund

    Procedure for Head of Schools/Units or PI’s or Line Managers to request funding to bridge payment between grant outcomes.…

  3. Cyber risk levels

    Password protected

    Define the cyber risk levels that are used to describe vulnerabilities.…

  4. Credit check procedure

    To outline the procedure by which the University eliminates the provision of excessive credit to potential customers.…

  5. Travelling with technology

    Password protected

    Guidance for securing technology whilst travelling…

  6. Method of ordering goods and services

    Password protected

    This document is designed to advise staff on the appropriate methods to be used when purchasing goods and services.…

  7. Paternity leave

    This policy provides information on the University’s paternity leave and enhanced pay provision.…

  8. Incident response to death

    Password protected

    Guidance for staff on responding to the death of a student…

  9. University funded (paid) Education Development Leave for academic staff

    To support academic staff to develop new educational strategic projects or substantially new degree programmes, or to explore new methods and philosophies of teaching.…

  10. Caring fund

    Offers information and guidance on how to apply for financial assistance to cover childcare or other caring expenses associated with attending pre-approved work-related events.…