Greek reading group

The Greek reading group aims to increase understanding of ancient Greek texts, both philosophically and philologically. The group meets weekly during term time for one and a half to two hours, usually in Edgecliffe.

The group works from the Greek. Those who wish to translate out loud do so taking turns within a single session. There is no pressure to translate out loud, and some of the most committed members prefer not to do so. However, the group gives Philosophy graduate students who are working on original Greek philosophy an opportunity to practise their ancient Greek language skills in a friendly forum.

Since its inception by Sarah Broadie in 2001, the group has read its way through a wide range of texts from Plato, Aristotle, and the pre-Socratics.


This group, usually of 5 to 10 members, is attended by philosophers, classicists, and interested persons however they would describe themselves. Members not only come from St Andrews and the surrounding area, but also on occasion include visitors from England, the US, and continental Europe, whose travels bring them to St Andrews. PhD students and MLitt students from Classics or Philosophy are welcome to the group.

The only rule is that members accept with patience the discussion - which may run to any length - of any point of translation, philosophical interpretation, or wider relevant philosophical interest, that any member wishes to raise.

For more information on the Greek reading group, contact Alex Long.